"camp Councillor" should be "camp counselor."
Posts by Mum
I have just published my first book. ( consequences to follow )
by sieborg ini stopped going to the meetings last september and told them that i didn't want to be badgered.
to be fair, they have not visited or called in nine months, apart from passing on their hello's to my wife and daughter who still attend.
anyhoo, i have had a fair amount of time to do pretty much what i have wanted over the past 9 months and so i have just finished my book.
School for Congregation Elders
by C.O.B.E.Beef ini attended the school late last year, and it was an emotional and mental rollercoaster for me.
i was already divided in my heart to say the least.
one of the instructors stayed in my home for the week, and my family genuinely enjoyed his company.
That was quite an experience, COBE. I'm so glad it woke you up; that makes it worth listening to that drivel. I would add to their list the following:
pond scum (got this one from Farkel)
worldly people
married sisters
single sisters
Think outside the college Box
by Giordano ini was very impressed with the following information from kiplinger's magazine and considering my own experience it might be helpful to many on this forum.
a lot has changed for those of us who graduated high school and decided to listen to our jw parents and our congregation and pioneer instead of furthering our education.
i was that person, an indifferent hs student, not too prone to go on to college.
Band on the Run is right about certain skills (such as knowing the French language) not qualifying one for gainful employment. I went back to college in my mid 30's, thanks to my second husband. His philosophy was that education was about "living with yourself," not just employment. I had been a top student in French in high school and wanted to pursue a degree in it.
What finally saved me career-wise was getting a government job. I came to Nevada and got a municipal job, first as a legal secretary, then as a human resources/hiring assistant, and, finally as a records librarian for the Building Department (my favorite and best paying job of all). Having the education can help you to score high on civil service tests. Tests are not weighted as much as they used to be in selection of employees, except for the federal government. A high score on a test can get you inside the door, but it won't keep you there.
Because I have a pension now, I am 'way better off that I would be with Social Security alone. Now I am learning court reporting, as there is a dire shortage of people with this skill, and I'm told there is little to no age discrimination because what really counts is skill.
The Story of Joe
by dozy inwhen i was a young pioneer , over the years i had built up a route call and every wednesday afternoon myself and a couple of the other pioneers would walk ( or if adverse weather , drive ) around the streets of our town and the surrounding villages distributing the magazines.
most houses were empty , which didnt really matter - it was a pleasant diversion from what was generally quite a harsh unfruitful territory to work.
we would talk about the things young ones talk about girls , football , tv and , er , girls chewing the fat over the latest gossip.. in our congregation , joe , a retired brother in his 70s lived with his non-jw worldly ( but very pleasant and hospitable ) wife , jean.
Surely everyone who has been a JW suffers from guilt of some kind for neglecting family or others we would have liked to spend more time with. You did well, dozy, better than most JW's IMHO.
What would it take for YOU to come back?
by noonehome in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><!
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What rip van winkle said, and a few more items, such as:
full equality for women, respect and care for children, free housing, free food, freedom, of thought, acceptance of human differences.
As others have pointed out, you have been brainwashed. I have seen TV documentaries about former cult members who have been deprogrammed, and they admit that they know it was wrong but still feel drawn back to it at tiumes.
Hang in there. Get counseling and any other help you need to get over it. Make a list of "reasons" why you think you might want to go back. If I made such a list, it would be blank.
Best wishes on your journey to total freedom.
Email from my JW brother
by nicsfreedom ini will not get into details as far as defending my position, just know that when reviewing his letter he does not have all the facts.
which now, i plan to go thru, if he is willing.
i started a letter to him and then i decided to call because i do not want the aftermath of everything being in writing.
It's usually best not to be on the defensive. That gives the other party the advantage. You may need to let your brother go for a while, and he wants to talk, let him come to you. You do not owe him an explanation for anything. From the sound of it, he may be accusing you of things just to put you on the defensive (the stuff about trying to get the girls to feel sorry for you). If you want pity, you're not ready for life in the real world. If he accuses you of seeking pity, he is not answering your concerns, but creating a strawman.
Proceed with caution.
Advice on being an enabler to my unbaptized JW son
by marriedtoajw inok i feel almost embarrassed coming to this board and asking advice about something that my common sence has already answered for me, but i hesitate because of possible fall out unique to jw issues.
most of my posts on this board lately have been about my 21 year old son's involvment with the jw's encouraged by jw mom, both knowing i'm against what they teach.
i've gotten some good advice on this board by some of you who answered a previous post of mine related to my concern of me being an enabler to my 21 year old son.
You need to give your son some motivation to finish school and to learn some job skills, and, ultimately, earn his own way. You will not accomplish this by not requiring something of him. I would tell him there will be no more money unless he re-enrolls in school or takes GED classes and either graduates or gets his GED, and then he has to get a job, even if it's working at a fast food restaurant, as a janitor, or whatever he can get. Then he might be motivated to get more education so he can get a better job.
If you want to continue giving him money, make him work for you and earn it first. This kid needs to face reality, the sooner the better.
Now that's what stadiums were built for!
Religion ... making the uneducated respected, daily!
by free2beme ini have a brother in law who is by all means a loser.
has three children, all of which are neglected on levels that would shock most people.
they live in tents, are fed from food shelters and each one has been held back at least two years.
While I agree that education is wonderful and should be accessible to all, I must say, from my own experience, that there are good, sensible, uneducated people whose advice I would take over that of some "educated" people. Some simple people have great honesty and integrity (I recommend the movie Sergeant York as an example), while some "educated" people are unethical, uncaring low lifes.
As one of my philosophy professors once said, An education doesn't "take" on everybody.
The only thing a JW needs to know to be set free from their religion
by yadda yadda 2 inbillions of human beings right now are muslims, hindus, buddhists, etc, etc.
they do not know a jot about 'jehovah' or the 'watchtower bible & tract society of new york" etc etc.
what is going to happen to these billions of persons at armageddon?.
I disagree. The brainwashing is too well done. In general, JW's can turn off feelings as well as logic better than anyone else.
Once I asked a Baptist minister a similar question. His response was that he could not be concerned about all the souls who are "lost."