About 6 months ago, two "sisters" knocked on the door. I had just moved here (Las Vegas). I have no history as a JW here or anywhere else since 1979. So I told them outright that I was an "apostate." The older woman just kept talking, as if I should believe her fairy tales and want to come back into the fold. I just stared at her incredulously, and she kept blathering for several minutes. The other woman didn't say a word, and showed no facial expression. Whatever!
Posts by Mum
Has anybody had JWs call on your home lately?
by Scarred for life ini did today.
the woman brought a small brochure inviting me to the district convention here in gwinnett county, georgia on july 5, 6, and 7th.
the surprising thing to me is that the jws have modernized a little bit.
My response to any one who asks why I am fading
by Skinnedsheep ini have thought a lot about what to say when i am approached.
it will kill my fade, but oh well.. "after the new light i had to test my faith and i couldn't prove to myself that the slave was limited to the governing body.".
if cornered by an elder...."can you prove to me from the scriptures that matt.
Asking them to "prove" anything will just lead to a lot of blathering and assertions with nothing to back them up. They do not think according to logic or science. You don't really owe them an explanation, but if you just want them to go away, some good ones have been suggested.
What flexibility exists when an JW sister marries an Unbeleaver?
by Quarterback inhow does this work out?
does the christian wife now go along to show respect to her husband, in celebrating holidays, voting, where does she draw the line?.
In the '70's, I was part of a congregation that had some sisters married to unbelieving mates.
One of the husbands was a sociopath, and he and his JW wife had been divorced and remarried about 5-6 times (no lie!). The kids were rebellious and behaved badly. I don't know if they're still dubs or not.
Another husband was a sweetheart who gave his family a good life. Eventually, he became a publisher. Not long after that, the whole family left the borg. The mom got a secretarial job at the university. The daughter became a French teacher. The son became a reporter, and has won a lot of awards. The daughter told me that she got to go to cousins' birthday parties as a child. The exposure to the freedom of being "worldly" was very beneficial in this case.
If Jesus was a live today would he have a morning TV show?
by jam instart your day off with jesus.
paul would probably have a. a morning show, "why women should stay in the kitchen".. i love to see, " start your day with the 144000".
explain our unique belief, no phone calls please.. i,m sure the program would receive high rating.
Maybe it would be an analysis of the Sermon on the Mount, parables, and admonition to avoid JW's and others who would mislead.
Warwick project... I had no clue it was this big!!!
by sosoconfused inhttp://www.townofwarwick.org/wt_con/_appendix%20j.pdf.
of course i was aware that the new headquarters would be there but according to the above plans it is immense!.
253 acres???
My money's on what "lost" said.
by molybdenum ini read the words of robert king.
he really made me think.
his words were like a water spring.
Being a JW works for some people. You may be one of them, but I don't know you. You need to do some research, read Steven Hassan's books and other books about cults, then make a list of pros and cons about staying in and getting out.
Do you have family who are JW's? Do you want to pursue higher education? If you're in a serious accident, do you want freedom to choose the medical treatment you may need to save your life? If you have children, do you want them to have a negative view of all who are not JW's? Do you want to shun people who were seen smoking a cigarette or having lunch with someone the JW's disapprove of?
It is best not to make an emotional decision. Think it through. Decide what your priorities are.
I hope you make the decision that is right for you and the people important to you.
What you THINK ... v What you KNOW ....
by *lost* inwhat you think you would do hypothetically.. what you know you would do in reality.. this is the 'hypothetical' story.
young man finishes his days work, he works in construction, he is wearing his 'kit' tool belt, boots, he's on foot.. one day, he's walking down the street.. he see's an elderly lady, and a group of 3 people, 2 male, 1 female, who have a dog.
(large mongrel).
I am an old lady, so I would lurk into the shadows and dial 911.
Slowly Awakening at the DC 2013
by breakfast of champions inso after the district convention was over, i asked my wife what her overall impression was.
she said, "maybe something has changed, or maybe it's your influence that i see things differently now, but a lot of those talks sounded more threatening than anything.
not loving, not really hopeful, just threatening.
Good progress! The last convention I remember attending was about fear. They were talking about how "safe" everyone was inside Jehovah's organization and how dangerous it would be in the world. I had already left by then, so I was not starry-eyed about it in the first place.
Pets are false gods
by Rattigan350 ini"m listening to the 2013 dc green bay saturday talk on false gods.. the speaker says no one would knowingly worship false deities.
but could we inadvertantly give jehovah less than exclusive devotion he deserves.. he said:you have not allowed this deception power of sin to sensual desires, material comforts, pets, technology, entertainment or food to become objects of devotion to you.. anything that interferes with our spiriutal routine has the power of eroding or weaking our relationship with jehovah.. .
my dogs can erode my relationship with jehovah.
Your animals love you more than the Watchtower does. Choose wisely.
Crisis of Conscience and the preaching work with WT literature
by losingit in"it is interesting to contrast the deliberate elimination of prayers andsongs at witness meetings in mexico with the action of the watchtower society in the united states, where they were willing to fightcase after case all the way up to the supreme court of the countryrather than give up certain practices, such as offering literature fromdoor to door without a license and without having to register withthe police, the right to use sound cars, distribute literature on streetcorners, and many other such practices which are covered byconstitutional rights.
the organization did not want to relinquish anyof these things.
it fought to hold on to them, even though theseparticular practices are certainly not things that were done by earlychristians in the first century and hence cannot be counted as amongprimary christian practices.".
Those nice JW's who don't offer literature might make more converts than those who do! Do they make return visits?