It takes a while to get your moral priorities in order after leaving the JW's behind. Wrapping a Christmas gift or a birthday gift, even giving such a gift -- all are "wrong" to JW's. That is batsh*t crazy! Punishing a child for eating a cupcake at a school birthday or holiday party is bizarre beyond belief! I feel so sad for children who grow up this way, not understanding what really is hurtful and harmful and what is not. I now see all JW's a child abusers, unwitting or not. These same children are taught to be gleeful that 99.99% of the world's population is going to become bird food! Sick! The biggest "yuk" factor, of course, is that they protect pedophiles.
JW's have a distorted view of sexual immorality as well. It no longer causes even a blip on my radar screen if someone is gay or cohabitating with a member of the opposite sex. JW's will protect a child molestor but disfellowship a person for having sex ONE TIME!
The way JW's spy on one another and turn one another in to the elders is now a worse sin, in my view, that whatever the person may have done to get turned in - except when someone hurt someone else (e.g., child molestation).
Discouraging education and human development is one of the greatest sins of the Watchtower.
I need to stop thinking about all this!