My fade was actually unintentional. I simply had to get away for the sake of my mental health, so I moved to the other end of the country where I had a DF'd cousin (the only other JW in our family at that time). When I got to my new home, my first priority was to get a job and find day care for my daughter. Then I went to an attorney and made a deposit on a divorce.
My then-husband called my cousin and told him that I needed to go the "the brothers" locally where I was and advise them of my "intentions." It occurred to me that he wanted me to go to three or so strange men who knew nothing about me or my mental condition and try to explain something I didn't want to talk about, particularly with strangers. It also occurred to me that I didn't have to obey my soon-to-be-ex or play by his rules. That was Step One.
I was living in a place where it was very easy to get a job at that time, and I was getting by.
It was also fortunate for me that a young, probably unbaptized sister in the congregation aided and abetted my escape.
It seems to be true that if you determine to do something, the means to do it will often appear. I feel very lucky!