I hope that the rest of your life will be peaceful and harmonious.
The best of life to you...
this has taken a lot of courage to post.
my life with the jws has been one hardship after another.
i am sharing this to help others see that jws claim to be loving and forgiving people while they are not.
if jehovahs witnesses have problems,then is there anything better you have too offer?.
i would be happy too know of a religion,website or something else that helps you in your life.
for a different perspective you can check out:
although for the record I do not advocate "organized religion" --
it seems as though as soon as a "name" is slapped on a group -- there are problems!
just my 2 cents worth
raphael - former jehovah's witness minister .
a forty-two-year-old latino, raphael, is a los angeles-based comic and lecturer.
i've been lurking here for a while now, posted a handful of times, but this board has had a profound effect on me.. i have just finished reading coc which i would never have even heard of if it wasn't for this board.. anyway, in light of everything i have learned here, i have been waiting expectantly for the next unsuspecting jw's to knock on my door, just so i can er, 'enlighten' them.. about 15 minutes ago, just that happened.
i answered a knock on my door to be confronted by two jw's.
one of them i remembered vaguely from a neighboring cong, and the other was someone i knew pretty well from my old cong.. so what did i do?
mom: the elders are led by god's holy spirit.
mom: don't go there andi.. andi: what?
mom: andi, i'm going to hang up the phone if you go there.. andi: mom!
i've been out of the jws for some time now, seven years.
like many of you, i left a lot of acquaintances, friends, and family behind.. the acquaintances were fairly easy to let go, the friends very hard, and the family, well, near impossible, at least up until now.
that she should listen to both sides of the story without fear and make her own decision.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I hope that your mom and brother will see what a jewel you are and realize what they are throwing away for no reason except that they are told to do so. Words cannot express for me the feelings that welled up into my heart and eyes after reading your post...although 6 years removed from JW -- I still carry alot of scars and baggage. Although I relate to alot of the feelings I read here -- even here and in my real life -- I am like an outsider looking in. I am always so happy for those of you who find what it takes to get past the barriers. Best of luck!!
i am a disassociated jw living in south florida looking for support in my area.
does anyone have any information?
the recent events have brought back many of the nightmarish doctrines drilled into my head as a young child and i am having difficulty working through them on my own.
Hi Karma and welcome! I don't know anyone here except people that I work with - have only been in S. Florida for 3 years - DA 6 years ago - but that was in Michigan. I understand and agree with your stance of being "spiritual" - not associated with any organized religion. I am a Muslim convert - obviously - but I converted based strictly on the 2 shahadahs (truths) -- There is no God but God - and that Mohammed is a prophet - equal footing with Jesus and all the other prophets. After that I argue about most everything -- but my spirituality always remains the same. Welcome to the board. I don't post much -- but read every work day. There are many alternative ideas here - things to ponder over - and many things that one can relate to -- having "been there" before that others may not. )
i am a disassociated jw living in south florida looking for support in my area.
does anyone have any information?
the recent events have brought back many of the nightmarish doctrines drilled into my head as a young child and i am having difficulty working through them on my own.
i want to thank so many of you for giving me the ammunition i needed to initiate actions that i hope will save at least one of my two children from the cult of the wtbts.
i have been able to undertake some positive actions in no small measure because of all you people here.
some of you may recall from earlier posts that two of my boys friends were dis-fellowed and that i went ballistic when my kids told me they were not allowed to talk to their best friends because the society says we cant.
well the other thread has gotten long concerning the association of te wtbts and the un so i started this one here.
i just got off the phone with a man in patterson concerning this issue and i will post most of convo here.. first of all if you do call beware they play kingdom melodies when you are on hold!.
ok a man answers the phone giving me his first name.