Judging by the link on the page I'd say it was something to do with those lovely Scientology freaks uh people.
Posts by Mutz
What Is Your Animal Personality? (QUIZ)
by Gizmo inok ok i stole this from a site syn introduced me to, didn't know this black hole even existed, so blame the springbok...hehehehe.
hehehehe it's no gremlin, but er...close enough!.
The end is near, UN will turn against religion
by pseudoxristos inor so implies a jw in a witness group on yahoo.
in a thread titled "child abuse and the u.n." a witness posted the following message.
And of course, we have never heard that one before, not more than a few thousand times anyway. :)
Mormon church dn the decline
by Joker10 inwho thinks here that witnesses outnumber mormons?
check out the above link.
very interesting.
So after all this said, do you think Witnesses outnumber?
Who gives a rats ar5e anyway? :)
Hat's Off To Farkel
by Englishman ini've just spent an enjoyable half-hour or so at farkels website.
every time that i listen to one of his farkelised kindum songs, i just start to grin and gurgle with delight.
I think I have pulled a muscle from laughing so hard. Bloody funny. Thanks Farkel :D
What song sums up your JW experience?
by sleepy inits got to be rage against the machine, "killing in the name of" .
just had the bassline to this song rumbling through my head, havent heard it for ages though .
you need to know the chorus.
AC\DC 'Highway to Hell' sums it all up nicely. :)
J.R. Brown Contradictions!
by UnDisfellowshipped inbelow are some quotes that j.r. brown, mario moreno, and other watchtower society spokesmen stated to the media.. you can see the obvious contradictions.. here's the first one:.
does the "two-witness rule" mean that jehovah's witnesses are not allowed to go to the police if there are not two eye-witnesses?.
quote from "christianity today" - february 2nd 2001:.
Well said that man!
Maybe you were a little soft on J.R.Brown. though? :)
Why did I fall away from the truth???
by JNS2 inno, i don't think it is the "truth" any more, but for 22 years i did.
that is what makes this so very difficult to come to grips with, admitting that i wasted all that time as a mindless drone.
(borg) anyway, i've been trying to analyze why i have fallen away.
I read everything I could when I was first baptised, I had a pile of Watchtowers and Awake going back years plus older publications too. After a while when questions started to come into my head and I saw the hypocrisy within the org I started to falter with my study. You have to remember too, the constant guilt trips we were subjected to were all made to make us feel we were inadequate when it came to studying the societys indoctrination materials.
Pathetic Circuit Assembly Experiences
by minimus ini just got back from today's circuit assembly.
i haven't been to one in the last 1 and a half yrs.
obviously, nothing has changed.
Sounds like all the other vomit-inducing utter bollocks experiences told at every assembly\convention I ever attended. :)
What Kept You "In The Truth"?
by minimus inwas it family, friends, the belief that this all was really true?
I started to study when I was 17 then baptised 6 months later. I started to have doubts and questions a couple of months after that. It took me a further 15 years to extract myself. I have always been interested in astronomy, science and archeaology so the pseudo-science I was 'learning' from the WT just didn't make sense. As for mankind being 6000 years old, what total and utter tripe. Fear is the key to holding people captive, fear of dying at armageddon, fear of being shunned and cut off from your 'friends' and family. Once you realise what bullshit it all is the fear melts away. Mostly the fear of losing my family kept me from jumping ship.
Storming the Baracades
by searcher ini have been reading a lot of threads/posts where people are trying to fade quietly, and are being ' picked off ' one at a time by the new policy of contacting ' inactive ones '.. my thoughts on this are, why wait to be 'picked off' ?.
if the wt is going to df/da people anyway, why not a mass da by all sending in letters at the same time ?.
the wt is using a tactic of attrition, keeping people isolated from the flock and dealing with them one at a time, this looks good in the stats.
I have been mulling this one over for a while. As I have a close relationship with my family who are still 'in' I would like to maintain that if at all possible. However, when I start to think of the Elders knocking on my door and putting me on the spot I can feel my blood start to boil and I am afraid that I am going to let them have it with both barrels (and possibly a boot up the arse too). Has anyone had success with threatening legal action ie, if you announce that I have been DF'd and cause a division in my family I will sue? Maybe I'll tell them this anyway and hope it scares them. The editor of the local newspaper is an ex JW and I am sure he would LOVE to run a story about it. :)