Professor Schroeder is really a Deist then
He's an Orthodox Jew.
His writings and video series were a large influence in me transforming from an Agnostic Atheist to an Agnostic Theist/Deist (I'm currently agnostic on the theism vs deism debate).
yesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Professor Schroeder is really a Deist then
He's an Orthodox Jew.
His writings and video series were a large influence in me transforming from an Agnostic Atheist to an Agnostic Theist/Deist (I'm currently agnostic on the theism vs deism debate).
yesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Not sure if he covers it in the video, but he does talk about this extensively in various writings. Here is a small blurb from his book "God according tp God"
The same God that told us to choose life (Deut. 30:19) created a world in which earthquakes and
tidal waves, plagues and disease snuff the breath of life from myriads of humans ‐ and animals too ‐ at
times in a span of seconds. Is this the doing of the God about which the Bible teaches? Is God
indifferent to our sufferings? If Devine wisdom convincingly does form the basis of existence, we would
logically expect a perfect world, with no errors, no unjustified tragedy. But, that would depend on how
God’s role in this world is defined. If the world were a Spinoza‐ type creation in which God steps back
after setting in place the finely tuned laws of nature, then there’d be no contradiction. Shouldn’t that
goodness be obvious if God is in charge? Perhaps not. By human logic it is illogical that the reputed
infinite God of the Bible would create a world with such basic flaws. God hides the Divine presence
sufficiently to allow each of us to make our own choices, for better or worse, freely within the confines
of our physical and social landscape, without the specter of a cosmic Force peering over our shoulders,
judging our every act. Though man cannot always even half control his destiny, God has given the reins
of man’s conduct, altogether into his hands. We can only know God by what God does. What God is is
what God does in our temporally and physically limited span of existence.
God created the world with three types of cognition, knowledge, understanding and insight ‐ all
three of which are feminine. Psalm 22 says, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The very
next Psalm says, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” These two verses in words capture the
frustrations that the Biblical Job must have felt during and even after his unwarranted sufferings. Why
did God abandon him? No Divine explanation was offered, only the assurance by God that God had
never forsaken Job, even though God allowed Job to be subject to horrific punishment. And as proof of
God’s shepherding, God ensured that Job survived those troubles. With the way the God of the Bible
relates to this world, not every ill wind that comes one’s way is sent by God. For all the freedom of
purpose implied in “I will be that which I will be,” God has set ground rules, limits, not only for humans,
but also for Devine behavior.
The God that most skeptics reject, a God with unceasing hands ‐ on control, is simply not the God
of the Bible. The biblical God may enter the fray when the flow of nature and humanity strays too far
from the intended teleological path. In general, however, the running of the universe is not a power
play by God. We and the laws of nature, which are themselves creations of the creator, have a major
role in the scenario.
yesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
MIT Physicist Gerald Scroeder on the science of God. It's an interesting watch.
i thought this comparison between the american constitution and the 'kingdom of god' was very interesting from an article in this ex-mormon's excellent website
the article notes how america's founding father's were deists, not bible-believing christians.. but our nation is also a system of government, not just a society.
the constitution is about government, not about society.
Looks like they're on the cutting edge of psychadelics to me. God's got the good stuff.
launch an investigation on jehovahs witnesses religious policy that violates human rights and abuses religious freedom.
As an interesting side note - The Bahai faith works closer with the UN than any other faith on Earth. You know the UN who's document is quoted throughout the petition. In fact it could be said that the tenets of the faith and the UN are virtually identical. They are joint partners with the UN in many venture's.
Yeah, they also shun.
launch an investigation on jehovahs witnesses religious policy that violates human rights and abuses religious freedom.
Can a religion use of coersion and pression thru leaders to lead You to do that?
Yrs. This is what most religions do. Use pressure from religious leaders and coersion, or threaten bad things will happen for not following their teachings, to make the congregants fall in line with the teachings.
Especially a religion that enjoy freedom of speech and proud of is conquests of religion's freedom?
Yes, this would fall under freedom of association and freedom of religion that they've fought for through the years.
launch an investigation on jehovahs witnesses religious policy that violates human rights and abuses religious freedom.
Exactly Simon.
@mt1 - I was in "the stupid religion" from birth until I was 18 when I moved out of my elder father's and full time pioneer step mom's house and joined the military (I promise you I witnessed more "human rights violations" in eight weeks of boot camp than I did my entire life as a JW). I left of my own free will unbaptised. I appreciate that some people eat this garbage up with a spoon, or they give into the pressure to be baptised from family and friends and thus it ruined their lives and relationships. Fortunately, I wasn't one of them.
launch an investigation on jehovahs witnesses religious policy that violates human rights and abuses religious freedom.
Human Rights Violation???? Seriously? It's just a stupid religion. Is there some "Tom Foolery" and deception going on? Sure. Human rights violations? c'mon now! Everything that happens whether it be you choosing to leave the religion or your friends and family choosing to shun you is done on one's free will. Nobody is threatening violence here. It's an exercise of free will and freedom of religion. Nothing more, nothing less.
Do they need to face the music on covering up child abuse cases? Of course, but let's be honest here; the JW's are small potatoes in this category compared to other religions.
i thought this comparison between the american constitution and the 'kingdom of god' was very interesting from an article in this ex-mormon's excellent website
the article notes how america's founding father's were deists, not bible-believing christians.. but our nation is also a system of government, not just a society.
the constitution is about government, not about society.
Well duh. all earthly governments are the product of Satan. This includes America. How dare you compare God's loving Theocracy to Satan's Monarchies of the world!
ok suppose a man met an inactive jw woman.
started dating, had a child.
and throughout his and her relationship there were many ups and downs, drug issues on the womans part , too much drinking on his, she cheats then they find out they are pregnant and move intogether.
If it was me:
I'd probably just play the game for a while. Maybe try to drop little questions to her that will make her think outside the box. I'd try to instill open mindedness and critical thinking skills in my kids. DO NOT allow them to get baptised before they turn 18. Try to stay as uninvolved in the congregation as possible without promptimg suspicions. Then when the kid's are gone break TTATT to wifey and see where it leads. Good luck.