.... and would MUCH rather be at home watching 'Friends' ...
JoinedPosts by NameWithheld
Boring Meetings Part2
by metatron inyou may doubt that boring meetings are intentional,.
as a means of indoctrination.
however, many of the society's.
Watchtower Study NOV 12-18, 2001--Barf alert!!
by dungbeetle indraw close to god.
5 "draw close to god," wrote the disciple james, "and he will draw close to you.
must be helped to cultivate a taste for the word of god.
"A youth may quit serving God because of what seems to be hypocrisy on the part of his parents or some other Christian."
Ha ha, what seems to be!? How about "what is"?
It's all the childs fault ...
"Though most of Jehovah's Witnesses do not have this problem"
I thought I read that over half of the young leave ... doesn't that qualify as 'most'?
Moscow Trial Postponed
by messenger inhttp://www.stetson.edu/~psteeves/relnews/0111c.html#24.
moscow jehovah's witnesses trial postponed again.
9,386 jehovah's witnesses in moscow sign petition rejecting prosecutor's claims .
Wonder if we should send the Golovinsky Court a WT article outlining what will happen to all non-JWs "Real Soon Now" <evil grin>
Paradise - I Think I'll Pass........
by Black Man inone thing that has always kinda ticked me off with the society depiction of paradise, is the completely bland, devoid of personality, stepford wives-ish look given to paradise pics in the publications over the years.
peeps walkin' around smilin' for no reason, no attention given to a cultivation of technology, the arts, space exploration.
there never seemed to be any point to paradise.
Too many neutered dogs have tried to hump my legs for me to buy that one!
Boring Meetings are Intentional, Folks!
by metatron inlong, boring, repetitive meetings are intentional.
an accident.
ever experiment with autohypnosis or autosuggestion?
Quite right, as I was replying to one of Leanderr's posts - the meetings are a catch-22 for them now, they must remain in the current format and many times a week to remain effective as a brainwashing/brain-deadening tool. But on the other hand due to their mind-numbing capabilities, many people who do like to think are quite put off by them. The question is are they put off enough to quit going. Once they quit going it becomes much easier to leave entirely.
The net result? The WTBTS ends up full of brain dead zombies - often driving away the 'cream of the crop' of humanity as it were, and being left with the weirdos ... <insert Fred Hall joke here>
Some things that annoy me about the WTS
by Leander ini'm still currently a jw myself and i'm serving as a minsterial servant in a limited capacity.
(a few weeks ago i was vocal about the doubts i've had and the elders made the decision to allow me to stay on as a ms but without giving talks) .
1. recently as in the last few years i've been paying more attention to the various members in the congregation and i've observed some interesting things.
I have to say, the shear mind-numbing boredom and drudgery of the meetings and assemblys may be one of the WTBTS's biggest losing points now. The message is the same thing over and over, and many thinking persons eventually begin to severely resent/hate the meetings. If they don't lighten up or freshen up (very unlikely) the format, more and more thinking people are going to keep walking. (Leaving them the dregs of scociety - which seems to already be the case in many areas).
But they can't lighten up, since the mind-numbing is part of the thought control process - if they allow more freedoms the people will wise up - so it's quite a catch-22 for them. That was a big thing for me. I simply got to where I hated the meetings so much I just didn't go. Problem solved!
JW trying to keep others out
by JT inyou will love this from wol- the (* km has told all jw not to put up any sites since you don't know who you are dealing with the slave has spoken but the rank and file jw doesn't want to be obedient to the slave.
so they struggle as to how to be disobedient to the slave.
their comments reveal the sick mindset of the jw in action as they try to decide how to setup a forum.
"A lot of people are misinformed about our activities and this database can show them that we are not "weird" and have normal lives."
I had the exact same reaction! Sad thing is I recall people trying to do stuff to 'prove' how normal we were to new ones, studies, etc. Proves "Anyone who has to convince others that he is "normal" is certainly not "normal""
"misinformed about our activities"?? And how would that be, are all those non-JWs trying to figure out what the JWs are doing? Such an over-inflated opinion of JW-hood. Truth is the average person could give a crap about what JWs are doing, except when they're waking them up from a Friday night hangover to offer the latest installment of 'good news'.
Japan Lost 500 Congregations!!!!
by metatron indo the math:.
1998 - 3,802 congregations (1999 yrbook figure) .
(drum roll, please).
Back when I was involved the CO would have demanded an immediate split for any hall of 120 or so.
Now I know it was a golden opportunity for the WTBTS to profit on yet another 'free' hall being built on the backs of the local brothers.
The one I loved was the one hall I attended the CO was pushing for a new hall only 2 years after the old one was quick built, and it was not even close to being filled up. Something to do with the parking lot or some such bunk, though the parking lot was never full either.
by Pureheart inbethelites are not free labor as we think.
he does pay his way.
most are unskilled when they first go to bethel.
Yea, they're unskilled when the go in, and they are unskilled when they leave. Trust me, the way things are run in the 'house of god' these poor young guys are not learning anything useful they could translate into a career later in life. They'd be MUCH better off going into that trade for real, or better yet getting a real education. Nice try to pass of Bethel life as beneficial, but it doesn't fly.
Not too mention when they leave they have NO money, NO property, NO assests of any kind. Nor do they have any real 'job' experience, and of course no education. So they're screwed compared to someone who begins working at 20, or someone who goes thru college. Imagine leave the big house at age 40 or 50 in the above situation ... a surefire guaranteed way to permanent janitorial work till you die.
JW's here only, If, and thats a Big If, would you?
by Celtic in... teach me, if i were to consider returning to your ways of thinking, reasoning and acting?
if i were to be the illustration of the prodigal son, after campaigning for your organisation to change its policies on a few major issues, something that by now the uk branch doesn't seem to like, or appreciate me all that much for.
what would be your immediate welcomeing reception for me?
Hmm. Well, if Jesus is 'guideing' the WTBTS org, than he is a piss poor director. I mean, does he not realize that his org is fornicating with the UN? That it's long record of abuse and hypocracy is stinking up the world? Perhaps then I am more capable than Jesus and I should run the org ... I would only take 5% of the top of the world wide donations I swear ... !!