Again, why is this so hard for people to understand? You must seperate the 'people' from the 'organization'. For the most part, the 'people' are good, kind-hearted people. Of course, there are bad apples. In the end you find that JWs as 'people' are no different than any other group, comprised of many good people and some 'bad' or maybe more accurate to say, power-hungry and opportunistic people. Most people do tend to seek their own gain in life, JWs are no different.
However, the 'organization' itself is very harmful. The 'organization' has one purpose in life - to grow in power and money. The 'organization' will do so by steamrolling over anything and anyone in it's path to obtain what it wants. The difficult part becomes the fact that willingly or not, the JW 'people' do everything in their lives to promote and protect the 'organization' thereby selling themselves out. This doesn't make them 'bad' people neccesarily, but may make them participate in events that shatter other's lives. And all the while thinking that they're 'pleasing' god.
Also, the 'organization' can be an enabler for horrendous activity. I know that the Slack's thought they were 'doing god's will' when they beat poor Lauree to death. I know that the parent's of the many, many children I grew up around that were abused physically and mentally thought they were 'doing god's will'.
When did the elder's step in and stop the abuse? Never that I saw, in fact, it was often the elder's DOING the abusing and/or encouraging it.
In the end I see little to NO 'good' from the 'organization'. Imagine if the efforts and $$$$ of all those 6 million JWs were pored into "REAL" relief efforts - how many children and homeless could be helped? How many sick? Hungry? Nope, instead they offer empty messages of 'comfort' that you will die 'Real Soon Now' unless you conform to the 'organization's will'.