Wow, you're good. You don't even know my name, yet you have the godly athority to declare me NOT spiritually mature? I hadn't gotten the press release form god that declared YOU appointed judge of spiritual maturity ... guess I'll have to go back and look again.
JoinedPosts by NameWithheld
A Spiritual Man/Woman
by SC inthe spiritually mature man/woman is one that is under the headship of jehovah and jesus.
1 corinthians 11:3 "but i want you to know that the head of every man is the christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the christ is god.
the typical man feels that he is the head of the family and have only themselves to consider, he doesn't even think of what god would think of his actions or thoughts.
Shooting.....Factory in Goshen, Indiana
by dubla inits not too often that this magnitude of a tragedy hits our small neck of the woods, but this one is big.
apparently a disgruntled employee burst into a factory (nu wood), and shot around 35 details on the shooter yet, or the casulties.
the factory is located in goshen, which is about 10 miles from my office here in elkhart, indiana.
Yes, Fred, Jehovah's name has already got TONS of reproach heaped upon it ...
<you are one funny cat! - but I'll pass on scratching your ass - that's not my bag, baby!>
Why can some question and others not
by joelbear inwe are not jehovah's witnesses because of a variety of circumstances, but one thing we all share is that we question.. what factors come together to make us questioners?.
but i know a lot of very smart non-questioning jehovah's witnesses.. bravery?
"Either way I win."
Might want to rethink that one. Cause you don't win if a) your life was wasted serving a printing corporation, and/or b) you are NOT resurrected. Because in that case you will have shot your one chance for a good life.
For you bible types, what about the thought of Satan transforming himself into an angle of light? What if you JWs are really serving Satan while being all convinced that you're serving god, eh? How could you know for sure - you dirty devil worshipers?
Shooting.....Factory in Goshen, Indiana
by dubla inits not too often that this magnitude of a tragedy hits our small neck of the woods, but this one is big.
apparently a disgruntled employee burst into a factory (nu wood), and shot around 35 details on the shooter yet, or the casulties.
the factory is located in goshen, which is about 10 miles from my office here in elkhart, indiana.
ROTFLMOL!!!!!!! Fred, if you were here I'd scratch your belly for being such a funny little pussy.
Shooting.....Factory in Goshen, Indiana
by dubla inits not too often that this magnitude of a tragedy hits our small neck of the woods, but this one is big.
apparently a disgruntled employee burst into a factory (nu wood), and shot around 35 details on the shooter yet, or the casulties.
the factory is located in goshen, which is about 10 miles from my office here in elkhart, indiana.
Ha ha ha ha - you guys are seriously too much. All you need is a sandwich board and you can run up and down the streets shouting "repent ye sinners, god's day is at hand". It'll work well for ya till they lock you in a rubber room ...
Why can some question and others not
by joelbear inwe are not jehovah's witnesses because of a variety of circumstances, but one thing we all share is that we question.. what factors come together to make us questioners?.
but i know a lot of very smart non-questioning jehovah's witnesses.. bravery?
So what will you do when you are 70 years old, soon to be dead, and those 'answers' are not yet answered for you. Will you regret all the time you spent ignoring life itself, living the will of 12 old men in Brooklyn? Don't think this WON'T happen, it has happened to every JW so far, and they all believed just as hard as you do that the big "A" was 'just around the corner'. Ask the fellow who sold his home, business and car in 1974 if he feels 'good' about that decision now ...
A Spiritual Man/Woman
by SC inthe spiritually mature man/woman is one that is under the headship of jehovah and jesus.
1 corinthians 11:3 "but i want you to know that the head of every man is the christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the christ is god.
the typical man feels that he is the head of the family and have only themselves to consider, he doesn't even think of what god would think of his actions or thoughts.
Please go back and re-read your WT mag. Women are cows.
Why can some question and others not
by joelbear inwe are not jehovah's witnesses because of a variety of circumstances, but one thing we all share is that we question.. what factors come together to make us questioners?.
but i know a lot of very smart non-questioning jehovah's witnesses.. bravery?
What is it with JW-types feeling so smug that they 'have all the answers'? YoYo's attitude is like that, so are so many others. Can they not deal with the fact that there are things that we will just not understand/answer in our lifetimes? Is that not one of the joys of being human, that of examining the world around us and discovering? Imagine if the entire world were JWs. NOTHING would get done, 'cause they'd all be 'waiting on Jehovah' to do it for them!
Turn back on God because of WTS or JW's??
by IWish4Truth inin my opinion, it's one thing to not agree with organizations that impose certain rules upon it's members, but it's quite another to turn one's back on god himself because of disagreements.
is there not still some higher power out there who has the best interest of humans at heart?
how can it be denied, especially in these terrible times, that something or someone is gonna have to step in and take over and end this havoc.
Ha, now that's a good one, BTW, I have, and I still don't know 'god's will' from that jumble of book(s). Also, how do you know that the Koran or the Book of Mormon are not god's books also/instead? They both claim to be, and have as much 'evidence' supporting them.
Why prayer and Does it work?
by Undecided inwhy i began thinking on prayer was the request from my spanish neighbour to my wife.
they requested that she come down and pray for his/her child who has been sick.
my wife believes in prayer and says she knows it works.
Interesting point, but I've also read studies that show the opposite to be true - in that the 2 groups being prayed for showed no obvious difference. So who's right?