If there were it would probably be the lawyer looking one - since the lawyers run the show up there now
JoinedPosts by NameWithheld
by Dino inwell folks, this is big news!.
since this un/wt scandal blew, there have been those who strongly suspected that this association was not the whole picture.. the un's reach is worldwide in scope, it goes without saying.
and in order for the wt to use the un for that worldwide clout, an alliance had to be formed that goes way beyond the use of the un library, it now appears.
by RickA inbut of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven but my .
we are commanded to watch!
we are commanded to be ready!
If he said no man knows the day or hour then why bother trying to 'decipher' world events to try and figure out the 'day and hour'. It's pointless. Unless your into that 'the world is ending' thing.
Maybe Vegas will start a bet on when the end of the world will be. Odds are up when someone in the middle east does something, odds are down everytime science makes a quality of life improvement ...
Besides, we already know that the world ended in the 14th century.
by Dino inwell folks, this is big news!.
since this un/wt scandal blew, there have been those who strongly suspected that this association was not the whole picture.. the un's reach is worldwide in scope, it goes without saying.
and in order for the wt to use the un for that worldwide clout, an alliance had to be formed that goes way beyond the use of the un library, it now appears.
Is the JW the woman that looks like a lawyer?
Dear Brothers and Sisters
by JWMAN indear brothers and sisters:.
there is darkness in this world.
many have e-mailed me with concerns and asking for help and advise.
thandrin: I won't go into the details debunking that crap story about the UN 'library card'. There are MANY big threads here that detail WITH PROOF exactly what the WTBTS was doing with the UN, and it wasn't simply for a 'library card'.
For one thing, they had to submit yearly applications to the UN to prove that they were holding up their end of the bargan by publishing UN material. One of their Awake articles in currently on a UN site!
If you are really interesting in knowing the truth, read those threads and don't go into it with pre-concieved ideas.
Let me help you
by JWMAN incalling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
What good fight would that be? Has Jehovah asked us to participate in the big "A" now?
If it's dark, turn on a 'new light'
Let me help you
by JWMAN incalling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
<insert tune here ...> Here I come to save the day! </end dramatic music>
It's a bird - no it's a plane - no it's JWMAN!!!!!
Ah run for your lives!
Seriously JWMAN, I love how you JW types show up with these 'return to Jehovah' posts. Then when ANYTHING of substance comes up you fall back to the tired "I don't have time" routine. I thought you were here to help. Make time. Or I predict you will fall to the "I'll have to research this and get back to you" routine. Then failing that you'll simply a) fade away and disappear, or b) become Fred Hall II with your little "return to jehovah" one-liners - cause that's all a JW can do - one liners. Get into more substance than that and your pathetic arguments crumble into dust ...
Depression is a way of life for JW's
by butalbee inthe more i studied, the more i got sucked into being a witness, the more depressed i've become.
i don't want to do anything anymore, i mean what is the sense: the end of days is upon us!
the more i became involved with witnesses, the more i felt that i was loosing a part of myself.
Hey this one cool cat not depressed </fredism>
Depression is a way of life for JW's
by butalbee inthe more i studied, the more i got sucked into being a witness, the more depressed i've become.
i don't want to do anything anymore, i mean what is the sense: the end of days is upon us!
the more i became involved with witnesses, the more i felt that i was loosing a part of myself.
"Why are you hacking such a long time into my eyes until evoking a flame war? "
Depression is a way of life for JW's
by butalbee inthe more i studied, the more i got sucked into being a witness, the more depressed i've become.
i don't want to do anything anymore, i mean what is the sense: the end of days is upon us!
the more i became involved with witnesses, the more i felt that i was loosing a part of myself.
Watch out, Erich's been hittin the crack pipe again - spouting some 'JW meets Mr Science' dementia he's created. Funny how god is now speaking to Mr Erich instead of the GB in Crooklyn.
Butalbee: I think you've made a wise decision about your man. He must decide what's important in his life, you cannot take a back seat to his religion, nor can he/should he force his way of life upon you. People have had happy mixed marriages w/ JW's in the past - but it's a really tough road and BOTH parties must be willing to deal w/ the major life differences involved. He must respect that you cannot buy into the JW lifestyle, and you will have to tolerate his wacky religion - and it's busybody elders and his busybody family - who will all look down on him for 'marrying outside the lord'. And then once married, try to convert you for the rest of your life.
Good luck!
Why the bible does'nt make sense to me
by Leander infor some odd reason this morning when i woke up the first thing that came into my mind was the suffering and pain that humans deal with on a daily basis.
again i'm not really sure what made me think about that so early in the morning.
(maybe it was a dream i had).
Interesting posts.
I have only one simple comment I cannot understand about people who beleive that there MUST be a creator - they say there MUST be one because we are here (life exists). Their argument is that since life is so complex, someone/thing HAD to make it.
My question then becomes - who created the creator? It's such a simple question, yet cannot be answered. And I will NOT buy the old tired "he's just always been" argument. That's silly. I'm to beleive that man is SO complex he could not have just 'happened' yet some all-powerful god who would obviously be HUGELY more complex DID in fact "Just happen to have always existed".
Where's the logic in that!?