by RickA 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • RickA

    Did Jesus say to WATCH or NOT TO WATCH. Let's look at that
    verse that the enemy uses to strike fear in the heart of the believer.

    But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven but my
    Father only.

    Matthew 24:36

    Is this verse a command NOT to watch or is it a MYSTERY and a challenge TO
    WATCH? Is this verse a WARNING NOT TO concern yourself with the day and hour
    of Jesus' return for His Bride or is it a SECRET and a PUZZLE to be
    atttempted to be solved with more pieces of the puzzle (through revelation,
    scripture, visions, dreams, prayer and Bible study) being put together as
    His appearing draws near?

    We are commanded to WATCH!

    WATCH therefore: for you know not what hour your Lord does come.

    Matthew 24:42

    We are commanded to BE READY!

    Therefore, be you also ready: for in such an hour as you think not, the Son
    of man comes.

    Matthew 24:44

    We are commanded to WATCH and PRAY!

    WATCH you therefore and PRAY always that you may be accounted worthy to
    escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son
    of man.

    Luke 21:36

    WATCHING is not looking up in the sky for His appearing. WATCH means to
    compare Bible prophecies in relation to current events in the world. When
    they take place, you will recognize fulfillment of scriptures.

    We are commanded to LOOK UP and LIFT UP YOUR HEADS; for your redemption
    draws near.

    Luke 21:28

    This is another way to get us to pay attention to the nearness of His coming
    - by the signs in the heavens; the stars, the sun, the moon, the earth, the
    heavenlies, etc.

    We are commanded to ASSEMBLE and to EXHORT ONE ANOTHER

    NOT forsaking the ASSEMBLING of ourselves together, as the manner of some
    is, but EXHORTING ONE ANOTHER: and SO MUCH THE MORE as you see the DAY (of
    the Catching Away) approaching.

    Hebrews 10:25

    Can you sense
    the urgency that was anticipated at the end of this verse? We are at the
    time of, "so much the more"!

    There is a BLESSING for WATCHING!

    BLESSED are those servants, whom the Lord, when He comes, shall find
    WATCHING: verily I say unto you that He shall gird himself and make them to
    sit down to meat and will come forth and serve them.

    Luke 12:37

    There is a CROWN for believers that are found WATCHING!

    Henceforth, there is laid up for me a CROWN of RIGHTEOUSNESS, which the
    Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day; and NOT ME ONLY but
    unto ALL THEM also that LOVE HIS APPEARING.

    2 Timothy 4:8


    Surely the Lord God will do nothing but He reveals His secret unto His
    servants the prophets.

    Amos 3:7

    The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him and He will show them His

    Psalm 25:14

    He answered and said unto them, Because it is given to you to know the
    mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given.

    Matthew 13:11

    Remember, therefore, how you have received and heard and hold fast and
    repent. If, therefore, you shall not watch, I will come on you as a thief
    and you shall not know what hour I will come upon you.

    Revelations 3:3

    Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God
    and our Savior Jesus Christ;

    Titus 2:13

    Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking
    after their own lusts,

    And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers' fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

    2 Peter 3:3

    And He said, Go your way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed
    till the time of the end.

    Daniel 12:9

    But you brethren, are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a

    And when the world is about to explode do you have any Idea where we are today. The Middle East to Africa to America to Asia all over the world the stage is being set.

    here is an example from today news with a quick blurb. TWO NUCLEAR POWERS READY TO BATTLE are we BLIND!


    Army says India must hit hard at militants

    Senior officers are planning bombing raids, backed by ground attacks involving helicopter-borne special forces in an operation lasting between 30 and 45 minutes. The aim is to immobilise Pakistani forces in Kashmir.

    Indian defence officials said Pakistan had deployed more than four divisions, about 100,000 troops, along the frontier of Jammu and Kashmir state, and were fortifying their positions.

    Indian forces, estimated to be 400,000-strong, have been on high alert in the border region since the attack on parliament.

    India and Pakistan 'reposition' their troops as tension mounts over parliament attack


    India, Pak exchange fire in Naushera: Kashmir

    JAMMU: Indian troops on Thursday replied effectively to Pakistan's unprovoked firing along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu region's Naushera sector inflicting heavy damage on Pakistani posts, Defence sources said.



    Lebanese Army on high alert fearing Israeli air strike

    Lebanese Army units and Hizbullah and Palestinian groups around Lebanon went on high alert yesterday fearing a large-scale Israeli air offensive.

    The Israel Air Force committed 28 violations of Lebanese airspace earlier this week, consisting of 35 jets and five helicopter gunships and including flights near Palestinian refugee camps, according to a United Nations report.



    US build-up in the Middle East!

    MORE than 20,000 American troops have been moved into Qatar and Kuwait amid repeated suggestions that Washington is preparing to move the war on terrorism into Iraq, defence sources said yesterday. The United States moved the headquarters of its 3rd Army to Qatar two weeks ago and defence analysts have reported large numbers of troops being moved into the region since. The 3rd Army is the ground component of the US Central Command, which oversees America's military operations in the Middle East and Afghanistan and was in charge of coalition forces during the Gulf war. The Pentagon has insisted that it is merely rotating troops but defence analysts say that about 24,000 troops have been moved in with barely a brigade, around 4,000, moving out. The Czech Republic inadvertently confirmed yesterday the military build-up in the region by suggesting that up to 400 troops it has committed to the US-led war on terrorism might be sent to Kuwait. Miroslav Titz, the deputy chairman of the Czech parliament's defence and security committee, said an anti-chemical warfare unit and a field hospital could be deployed at an American military base in the Gulf state. "A joint contingent is being considered," he said. "It might be deployed at a US base in Kuwait where it would have logistics support." Czech chemical defence units and a field hospital were based in Kuwait during the Gulf war. The deployment of so many troops may be designed to intimidate Saddam Hussein. American officials admitted that a State Department team, led by Ryan Crocker, the deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs, was surreptitiously sent into northern Iraq recently to meet Kurdish leaders. The visit was intended to make Baghdad jittery and to encourage the Kurdish leaders to unite to provide opposition to Saddam. President Bush and his top advisers are said to have decided against launching an attack on Iraq and favour encouraging opposition forces to overthrow Saddam from within. Colin Powell, the US secretary of state, is devising a long-term plan aimed at forcing Iraq to readmit United Nations weapons inspectors and co-operate with a set of economic sanctions. Officials say if the Iraqi leader refuses they do not rule out using military force.

    Doesn't matter to me where you folks are headed I know where I'm going! I'm just here to send a message. REPENT OR BURN!

  • Satanus

    Threats shmetz. Another newspaper eschatologer. I'm peeing my pants with laughter..ooops, i mean fear.


  • SixofNine

    :Did Jesus say to WATCH or NOT TO WATCH.

    Well that's the question isn't it? Who the hell knows what Jesus said? Informed people know that the bible can't be trusted, so the only people who have a clue what Jesus said or didn't say are those to whom Jesus speaks directly. Unfortunately, Jesus seems to be a bit of a prankster, 'cause those folks all get told different things!

    Smoke this.

  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly

    Hey Rick,

    How are you doing?

    Campared to Yardif and You Know,
    you quote more scripture with less
    opion on them. I can certainly
    stomach that.

    Do you think it possible to talk some
    sense into those two? They are quite
    the dooms-day types. I am fearful
    they may take their propaganda seriously
    and drink some deadly coolaid.

  • NameWithheld

    If he said no man knows the day or hour then why bother trying to 'decipher' world events to try and figure out the 'day and hour'. It's pointless. Unless your into that 'the world is ending' thing.

    Maybe Vegas will start a bet on when the end of the world will be. Odds are up when someone in the middle east does something, odds are down everytime science makes a quality of life improvement ...

    Besides, we already know that the world ended in the 14th century.

  • RickA

    If there is anyone out there who looking for a good board to go to go here.

    Watchmen Watching

    Hal Lindsey Oracle

    End time events in the news

    Don't get left behind!

  • messenger

    I guess this perspective is about as good as yours.....

    Jesus Christ, King of the Pedophiles
    Jesus Christ (WLD)

    In January 2001 a controversial new play, Corpus Christi, staged in Melbourne depicted Jesus Christ kissing Judas and hugging a male prostitute.

    This raised questions regarding whether Jesus Christ himself was gay ...


    Worse, some people claim Jesus was not only gay but a pedophile in that children were brought to him so "he should touch them." (Mark 10:13)

    Nowhere do the gospel writers report where Jesus "touched" the children - on the forehead, on the crown, on the genitals ...

    Perhaps that is why the gospels omit where the children were touched ...

    Yet the gospels report quite clearly where Mary Magdalene touched Jesus when he was anointed.

    Luke 7:37-38 and John 12:3 claim Jesus was anointed on the feet, yet Matthew 26:7 and Mark 14:3 report he was anointed on the head.

    Why should the gospels report where Mary touched Jesus yet neglect to report where Jesus touched the kids ..?

    This may explain why the gospels report that children were made to "suffer" to go to Jesus. (Luke 18:15)

    What exactly does this mean?

    A clue may be found in the passage describing how locals chased Jesus in an attempt to throw him off a hill. (Luke 4:29)

    Who were these locals and why were they angry? Were they the parents of the children whom Jesus "touched" ..?


    Bear in mind that many locals including church officials believed Jesus and his apostles performed the Devil's work.

    Matthew 12:24 and Mark 3:22 says the Pharisees accused Jesus of casting out spirits "by Beelzebub the prince of the devils."

    It was alleged in Luke 11:15 that Jesus cast out demons "through the chief of the devils," while John 7:20 claims Jesus was accused of "having a devil."

    Jesus preached hate for in Luke 14:26 he says, "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and even his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."

    Jesus also preached war for he says in Matthew 10:34, "I came not to send peace, but a sword," while in Luke 12:49 he says, "I am come to send fire on the earth."

    Most damning of all is John's claim in Revelation 22:16 that Jesus called himself "the bright and morning star" - a name traditionally reserved for Lucifer or Satan ...


    If Jesus really was the head of a pedophile ring consisting of his twelve apostles then Judas should be thanked for betraying him.

    Instead of condemned ...

    One could assume that, after being threatened by the locals, Jesus went into hiding from fear of being lynched.

    Frustrated, the angry parents reported the matter to the authorities, who immediately launched an inquiry.

    No doubt the Pharisees, good King Herod and Pontius Pilate - perhaps the real heroes of the gospels - were eager to prevent civil unrest by bringing the ringleader in for questioning.

    But Jesus evidently resisted arrest and hindered investigations by going into hiding.

    This made matters worse for Jesus, since the authorities only become more suspicious and the locals more angry that an agent of Beelzebub was permitted to roam free in their midst.

    Earlier, authorities received reports Jesus may have been gay since those who saw him said he spent most of his time in the company of twelve men in long white dresses proclaiming:

    "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35)

    However, Luke 4:8 suggests Jesus liked to "receive" every now and then since he told Peter to "get thee in my behind, Satan."

    Or something like that ...


    But back to our story ...

    It appears from the gospels that Judas, or Saint Judas according to Arnoume, was the only member of Jesus' pedophile ring who had a conscience.

    Given Jesus' reputation thus far, it could be argued Judas did the right thing in betraying Jesus to the authorities.

    But it appears Caiaphas, Annas and Pilate were too lenient on the group - either that, or the apostles were too slippery.

    Look how Peter denied Jesus three times and slithered off into the shadows in order to avoid arrest. (Matthew 26:69-75)

    In Matthew 10:33, Jesus says quite clearly that "whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven."

    Does this mean Peter is not in Heaven minding the Pearly Gates as tradition suggests - or is Peter's denial yet another biblical contradiction ..?

    Nevertheless, the ringleader was crucified - much to the joy of the kids and the relief of the parents - and Pilate washed his hands of the sordid affair.

    Christianity became history's first religion whose followers worship a lawfully-convicted felon.

    And, like any criminal organisation, its followers have been proclaiming its leader's innocence - or that Jesus was framed - ever since ...


    - Sign over Jesus' head on the cross according to Arnoume
    (not Matthew 27:37 which contradicts the three other gospel reports anyway)


    As for Jesus' disciples, it may be said that too many of them escaped: the mad womanhater St Paul, the Satanic St Peter and the other "fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19; Mark 1:17)

    Read: "fishers of boys."

    They laid low, slithering off to Greece, Rome and Asia Minor, where the Romans wisely threw a few disciples to lions to show them what it was like to be pawed by animals.

    Through centuries of sucking off kings and sodomising entire countries, the church grew to became the world's greatest, most highly organised pedophile ring.

    Today, the main branch of this wolfish religion dressed in sheep's clothing is headed by a man dressed in a white condom.

    Complete with spermicidal cap.

    How ironic that the pope, whom author JG Eccarius describes as an altar boy's wet dream, preaches against contraceptives when he dresses like one!


    So this is the great harlot as she stands today. An indolent, fat parasite feeding on the fears and goodness of decent, hardworking people everywhere.

    Especially the innocent children.

    In Australia, Victorian Catholic priest Father Gerald Ridsdale - a bloated buggerer called "Fozzy Bear" by the kids he molested - was described as the country's most notorious pedophile.

    More pedophile priests and Christian abusers are listed at the Australian Church Offenders Register.

    The perverted behaviour of Christian priests may explain why the church historically loves setting up schools.

    After all, it could be said that Christian schools are little more than battery cages for defenceless kiddies.

    Priests simply go from class to class saying, "I'll have one of those ... one of those - and that shy little blond-haired boy in the corner ..."

    That's basically what Father Ridsdale did, which is why priests like to have their presbyteries next to schools ...

    So their bedrooms are close to the classrooms ...


    So, Christian school kiddies ...

    A word of warning ...

    Next time a nasty Christian tells you that Satanists sacrifice children just remind them that history shows it's their priests who do most of the sacrificing ...

    On the ends of their big, fat dicks!

  • messenger

    double post

  • RickA

    No need to reply to reprobates, Jesus has that covered.

    There are some people here who are searching for the truth and if I can help direct one person my work is done. I'll be off this board in due time.

  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly


    I feel Hal Linsey is a false prophet.

    That is if you judge his work using

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