This one didn't inflate the annual 'party day' count for JWs!!
Funny how their one and only holiday is usually absolutely no fun at all!
well, i was tempted but i decided not to go to the most bizarre religious ritual of modern about you?.
This one didn't inflate the annual 'party day' count for JWs!!
Funny how their one and only holiday is usually absolutely no fun at all!
even as apostate dubs plan their next apostofest, world leaders speak of the very real possibility of an event so dreaded that they are evoking the image of the biblical armageddon.
in the wake of the anglo-american policy revision of recklessly targeting various nations with the threat of a first-strike nuclear attack, it appears that iraq has been singled out as the first on the hit list.
in response to the increasing drum beat of war against the poster boy of evil, "sodom" hussian, the jordanian king has warned that an attack upon iraq may unleash uncontrollable destructive forces.
No, everyone's not going to die. The Scripture says that everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safely.
Great! Awesome! So I'll wait until little 'ol nuclear bomb is dropping from the sky and shout "Save me Jebus ... er Jehovah"!!
the following story was emailed to me this morning, it typifies the mentallty of the typical gung ho jw i.e you are going to die were not.. it make me very sick.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
as i parked my truck and started to get out, i saw my sweet lady burst out the front door and come running to greet me.
"did you hear the news?
Yep - it's pretty much the same for me. Anything and everything was 'the beginning of the end' in my house. Every newscast, world happening, etc was all 'a sign'. A real bunker-house mentallity.
christians, what's so great about jesus?.
why do so many people feel the need to base their life on a person, they have never met, did not write any of the works on his life, and has enormous claims made about him that can not be proved to be true?.
sounds just like following the governing body of jehovahs witnesses to me.. can anyone give me a good reason for me putting trust in this man?
Jesus Christ can provide everlasting life
Prove it. I don't see any ever-lasting people running around here ....
the watchtower has all kinds of new propaganda about lies, manipulation of information, etc.
looks like we've all been lied to by apostates, they are really the true religion after all!!.
Ha ha. Funny stuff. Funny in that it's PERFECT ammo against the writers ... the WTBTS!
the following story was emailed to me this morning, it typifies the mentallty of the typical gung ho jw i.e you are going to die were not.. it make me very sick.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
as i parked my truck and started to get out, i saw my sweet lady burst out the front door and come running to greet me.
"did you hear the news?
Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeellccccchhhhhhh!!!!! Yuk! Barf!
The sad thing is this is he crap I grew up on, being feed stories like this at <5 years old ... so every lightning storm was 'the big a'. No wonder so many JWs are sick in the head.
The amazing thing is that this story would be read and loved by 95% of JWs. Examplified by the fact that there are so many 'made up' big 'a' stories and they all sound pretty much like this one. Funny they ignore the billions of corpses lying about decomposing while the birds pick at the eyeballs/entrails.
i'll worry to death if you get one!.
my cousin died on one when an old fella cut the corner and darren just didn't have a chance.
my uncle almost died also, he was lucky, he only broke his leg, got muffler burn and a rather large gash!!!!!.
Oh, and while this is just my personal opinion, yes, motorcycle riding carries an element of danger. So does sitting on the couch eating frito's and getting fat. So does eating at McDonalds. So does driving. Let's let people live a little if they want!
Obviously though you should take the proper precautions - like, a) learn to ride well, and ride in 'super defense' mode. Learn what you and the bike are capable of so when a panic situation occurs instinct will not take over and force you to ride right into whatever you should be avoiding. TAKE A SCHOOL!. Then b) wear the proper gear! Riding 'naked' may be cool, and look cool, but you wure as hell won't be looking so cool with 90% coverage road rash. Now THAT's ugly stuff!
Take it from someone who has survived several very high speed get-offs, some at 120MPH + (all on a racetrack - controled environment) - the proper gear means the difference between walking away pissed about the bike being scuffed vrs being carted away in a vegitarian state.
i'll worry to death if you get one!.
my cousin died on one when an old fella cut the corner and darren just didn't have a chance.
my uncle almost died also, he was lucky, he only broke his leg, got muffler burn and a rather large gash!!!!!.
"Don't wear a motorcycle helmet, they do more damage than good. In a recent study I read, they found that the helmet is too heavy for the neck and as the head get bounced around in an accident, it's twice as heavy because of the helmet and twice as likely to snap yer neck!!!!!! "
Ack!! There are really people who buy this shit? Tell me this ... if helmets are so usless why don't you slam you head into a concrete wall at 10 MPH - first with a helmet on, then without one.
When you get out of the hospital, and IF you can still type, tell us who the experiment went.
Of course, those that ride around w/ no helmet and shirt sleeves are only proving natural selection to be true - maybe they'll take themselves out of the gene pool before they breed!
just wondering how many of us "apostates" have gone all the way and become bikers.. i have just bought a yamaha xjr 1300cc and i also own a vw trike.. any one else out there into leathers/heavy drinking/rock music/rallys/drugs?
oh yeah and bikes?
Dirt for me, or road-racing ...
the memorial is on in just over two weeks' time, and i was wondering:.
has anyone invited you to the memorial yet?.
my old cong knows my address and phone number yet no-one has visited or phoned to invite me.
I'm well and truely shocked that my parents didn't 'remind' me it was coming up ... this will be the first year I haven't (yet) gotten a call to ask me to go. ?? Maybe they realize it's not going to happen?