I can't believe they'd even imply Yet Another Date(TM). I suppose they have to though, it's the only whip that seems to drive the JWs out of their brain death.
i received the 6/15/02 watchtower in the mail today.. for those that do not know, 2005 is the new predicted end date for this "system of things.".
reference: .
I can't believe they'd even imply Yet Another Date(TM). I suppose they have to though, it's the only whip that seems to drive the JWs out of their brain death.
these past few weeks i've spent a lot of time trying to decide how i want to proceed with the rest of my life.
one of my first decisions to carry out is to break free from the wts.
even though i've been a life long witness i feel no guilt or hesistation in leaving the only religion i've ever known.
I'd have to add to the 'don't throw the baby out with the bathwater' arguement. You are both adults. It's likely your not being a JW will put a great strain on the marrage, if she is unwilling to see your side of the issue. But I wouldn't automatically give up. Feel her out over time. It is possible for you to establish some 'freedoms' for yourself without leaving her. Many have helped their mates to see the 'truth' too :) Which would be the best thing!
Of course, if what you are missing is 'sowing your wild oats' then I would venture to say that most marrages would not survive that.
But in the end, none of us are living your life, so you will have to weigh everything and choose for yourself.
do anybody else believe that the messiah will return in our life time?
cause we all know that "peace & safety" is the last sign.. and i already mention that it's on a very low scale, it's come but has'nt passed yet(when billions believe everything is safe)... .
i believe it will come in my life time, i'm only 20 years old and i damn sure aint going to die... luke- 21-36 < is the way that you can survive up to the day of christ day....what y'all think?
I believe it will Come in my life time, I'm only 20 years old and I damn sure aint going to die
Well, when you are on your deathbed, remember you said this. My mother said the same thing to herself, and the same thing to me. She's approaching old age now, as am I. My grandmother thought the same thing, and now she is quite advanced in age. It sucks when you realize your fantasy world is a lie, but hopefully it will happen to you BEFORE you waste the majority of your life.
Better start that 401K just in case ...
gen 2:17 - god says: eat from the tree of knowledge of good and bad and you will absolutely die!.
gen 3:5 - satan says: god knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like god knowing good and bad.. .
so what happen?.
Well, if it were up to god, we'd still be running around nekid in the woods, dumping in holes in the ground, wiping our ass w/ leaves, sweating in the summer, freezing in the winter, and naming animals. Oh, and we'd be stupid as well. Sounds pretty boring to me!
world renown conservative investor, warren buffet, told an audience that a nuclear attack upon the united states was a certainty.
such an attack would of course result in swift and terrible retaliation and the likey annihilation of most of the arab world and then some.
whether or not that proves to be the exact scenario that's played out, it must be admitted that the climate for the sudden outbreak of a nuclear storm has never been so favorable.
A person's disbelief doesn't determine reality.
A person's belief doesn't determine reality either.
hey guys,.
*** w93 7/15 27 tenderly shepherding jehovah's precious sheep ***.
jesus gave an illustration about a man who had a hundred sheep but promptly searched for one that had strayed in order to bring it back to the flock.
Yep, it's almost 10 years old alright, which must mean it's not truth anymore, right? It's 'old light'? BTW, what's the shelf life on JW 'light' nowadays? 10 years? 5 years? 1 year? Can't see it being much more than 5 years myself ...
i know it's in ny.
i've been out of the loop for awhile, thank god.
last time i was in we got a talk about how 2/3 of the young people were leaving the "truth".
Well, it's always been that many of the young generation strikes out on their own for a bit. Many of those return to the WTBTS though, due to the massive amount of guilt that was instilled in them from an early age. The recent trends have been, and this is all anecdotal(sp?) , that more and more of the young generation either leaves entirely or lead 'double lives' - proving they are not buying into the WTBTS message of gloom and doom. This is especially true in 'western' lands where things are pretty good, and information flows freely.
As to the WTBTS increasing, that is due in a large part to countries where the general population is in poverty, or poor living conditions. Lands like Africa and Brazil are booming for the JWs. The message of a paradise is appealing, and the religion is young there. People are not tired of the years and years of empty promises like they are in lands where the JWs have been strong for a long time.
As to it collapsing, I doubt it. I think it will continue to decline, but there are a LOT of people in it who have the mental capacity that if they walked in on a Governing Body group orgy they would dismiss it without a second though "Oh they're just imperfect men". Those are your hardcore JWs. Nothing phases them.
One other item to consider is the real area of interest to the WTBTS, money. It's drying up. The countries that are growing are poor ones, and cannot send the $$$ that the WTBTS are used to. And in lands like the US the JWs are in such a state of apathy, the $$$ are WAY down. And trust me, THAT's got the old men more worried than avg hours in FS, # of pubs, or mags printed!
in the congregation i grew up in, there was a sister about ten years older than me.
her first name was joanne.. more than once, when our family traveled, joanne came along as a 'nanny' of sorts--so that my parents could enjoy each others company without their children present once in a while.
(priceless to parents, lol).
and to some people we were thought of as 'wealthy.'
Ah one of the worse sins you can commit in many JW communities - especially when the majority are not so well-to-do. It wtill amazes me what some JWs consider 'wealthy'.
today's christianity today carries this article about the familiar "house to house".
christianity today, week of april 22. do evangelicals still go door-to-door?.
successful evangelism strategies have added new components to the traditional model of home visitation.. by todd hertz | posted 04/24/2002.
I for one cannot believe that otherwise intellegent people (there are SOME smart dubs left - not many, but some ) can't admit to themselves that their Oh-so vital work is one of the biggest jokes around. What a collosal watste of time and money - and the dubs realize it, one of the reason pioneers burn out so fast is due to the incredible evendence everyday of their lives that they are boxing shadows. I mean, a 10-hour day in FS, you knock on 100 doors and talk to MAYBE 5 people, and all of them say "I'm not interested" before you can even open your mouth. In all my years of FS in many congos, I can recall MAYBE 2 or three people being converted from door-to-door activity.
No wonder so many JWs are on anti-depresents, when every fibre of their soul is screaming at them to get out of the meaningless drudgery of FS! People NEED a sense of accomplishment in their lives, and there is none in the JW door-to-door.
cnn is reporting that the u.s. economy grew at its strongest pace in more than two years in the first quarter, rebounding from our first recession in a decade.
gdp grew at a rate of 5.8 percent in the first quarter, after growing 1.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2001.. "the economy didnt just slide out of recession, but surged out of recession," said david kelly, economist at putnam investments.. anyhow, good news for anyone who was concerned about a possible economic collapse.. .
Recession, whatever. As long as we've been tracking economics, there have been periods of growth and periods of shrinkage (recession). I predict that in the future our economy will grow, and then it will shrink, then grow again. How's that for a prophesy? Nothing to do but tough out the bad times and enjoy the good ones!
<edited because I can't speeeel>