Does he take a holy shit?
JoinedPosts by Theredeemer
what does jehovah eat ?
by bigmac inyeah yeah---i know--spiritual food.. .
or maybe---beans ( human beans ).
for those on here who still believe in a god---how do you perceive him / her / it ?.
Evolution and spirits
by Chris Tann inas of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
"Evil" forces are the dumbest beings in the Universe. They are bent on turning poeple away from God yet when they terrorize people, they accomplish the exact opposite; the person run to God for help. Sounds like they need a new leader or game plan.
The fact is , with out evil spirits there would be no need for good ones. Everyone needs a villain.
Evolution and spirits
by Chris Tann inas of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
Demons: excuse for why people are nuts.
Ghost: excuse for when the door needs WD4.
Paranormal stories: excuse for people who need attention.
Awful WTBTS " infomercial " funeral service talk
by RULES & REGULATIONS inw77 6/1 pp.
346-347 mourning and funeralsfor whom?
a funeral or memorial service?
Im dreading my mom's funeral. She is 84 so I know she wont be around much longer. I am contemplating having a seperate funeral after the JWdub one for me and her nonJW family.
The sad thing is , very few (if any) JWs visit her. NO one ever takes her or picks her up for the meetings, not even my Dub family. She has dementia but she is very mobile and healthy physically, however, because she wasnt a big wig, married to an elder or a pioneer she gets no help or attention.
This other JW her age who also has dementia and is much more of a handful but because she was married to an elder big shot and a pioneer herself has so much attention from the cong and other congs.
This sis has a volunteer witness as a provider and even the cong had people volunteer to fix up her house. Meanwhile, my mom has to pay out of pocket to have a provider and her house is falling apart. I know I sound like a hater but it's is really sad. How do you think I'm going to feel when I have to sit there and here some witness give a talk and see all these JDubs who really could give a rats ass? Not to mention how they have treated me and my wife.
Only, love and respect for my mom will I hold my tongue. Thankfully , my non-JW dub family and close friends will have my back.
What would make them leave?
by Separation of Powers inin your experience, what would the org have to do that would cause the most people to leave?.
Think of everything they have done, all the changes, all the wrong dates, all the hipocrisy and all the money wasted and still millions of people remain loyal. Even if the GB came out and said "Well folks, it was all a scam!" thousands of witnesses would probably still have meetings and form a new GB. Actually one kind of did do that, Ray Franz.
This is a religion and there is a reason why religions as messed up as Catholicism, Islam and other are still going strong despite humiliating events, atrocities and controversies.
Let's Say 1914 Was The Establishment of God's Kingdom....what is the significance?
by minimus inas hillary clinton might say, what difference does it make???.
even if god's kingdom was established in 1914, why is that such a big deal?
other than unprovable actions in heaven, what can jws say is the significance of it all...with a straight face?.
It means that they get to say "Armaggedon is coming soon!" for all of eternity.
Could it be the number of jw under 5 million?
by Crazyguy ini was thinking about this last night, in the year book they publish the number or peak and average publishers.
as we know a publisher could simply be a child getting out in service regularly.
if two parents baptized have to small children that are publishers then they are counted as four.
My mother, an 84 y.o. person with late stages of dementia, is a publisher. Her body of elders reports her at 15 minutes. My bed ridden aunt, who is very ill, is a pub. Both my cousins kids 8, 11 yo are pubs (both unbaptized).
Take away the 15 minuters and unbaptized pubs and you got maybe 5 million. Same as attendees of meetings, memorials and conventions. Take away children under 5 and you cut out alot of the numbers.
Has Anything Changed In JW Understanding Since The Annual Meeting?
by minimus ini haven't been here much within the last week.
is there anything new in watchtower world?.
For some strange reason I think that many Isrealies would embrace the JW faith. Maybe Im wrong. I really dont know how Muslims would view them but at the rate people from the west are being kidnapped it would be a surprise if a witness wouldnt get kidnapped. Maybe this is what the GB want, some global press and fanfare.
Imagine the celebrity status this kidnapping event would create for the JW and, specifically, the GB. Splane or Morris on national news stating how "Jehovah will have his vengence! Jesus said his followers would face hardships" or some other BS. JW would finally be in the forefront of national and global news for something other than conventions or molestation. I can see people visiting the website in droves if this happenned. Donations would go up because of the good nature of poeple to want to help.
The JW would change, even for just a moment, from the crazy bible totting sautrday waker-uppers to courageous bold missionaries in the public eye.
Please Give Me Your Thoughts On Unusual Elderly Behavior....(thanks)
by minimus inmy girlfriend's dad who is 82 lost his second wife to cancer last october.
while she was dying, he secretly was seeing another woman, in her 60s.
long story short, a month after the wife's death, they both moved in together and in early june , they secretly got married.
He is 82. I say that every year you live after 80 is just extra time. So, I say live it up!! If he wants to spend his last years with a 60 hottie then let him. After living 80 years he has earned it. What sucks is if he leaves all his inheritance to her. But oh well. If the grandkids ask about granpa just say "grandpa is on vacation".
You could sit there and blame this lady, but its ultimately up to papa. Family needs to let him be and, as long as he is not physically hurting himself or others, then he has every right to do what he wants. He did his job as dad and now its party time! Again, every year that comes might be his last. Yes, when all is said and done, he might regret it but that's his problem.
My two cents.
I really don't understand this
by keyser soze inwhy, if you're a health care worker who's been exposed to the ebola virus, would you get on an airplane and travel right after?.
How is it that only two American doctors that worked with dozens of Ebola patients in Africa came down with Ebola and we have one patient in the US and already two nurse have it?!?