Heck yeah. She rules!
Is it vain? probably, but who cares...let her die with good cans.
fair enough?
or mis-guided vanity?.
great-grandmother gets secret boob job.
Heck yeah. She rules!
Is it vain? probably, but who cares...let her die with good cans.
i can't believe that it took me this long to finally watch this show.
what a well written program and the actors are great.
um---jon hamm is something else!!!
This is a wonderful show. I love all the un-PC things they say and do.
Season's 1-4 are on netflix.
You're right, that's Milton Henschel. I get those old loonies confused.
finally my wife and i got around to reading george orwell's " 1984 " .
as many of you know who have read the book that " the party " or " big brother " as the ruling power in the book is called ; constantly changes records of it's past dealings so as to deceive the public about any false forecasts they may have mistakenly made ; in an effort to put forth a positive image of itself it destroys past embarrassing records or paperwork which would expose the " party " as a failure.
much the way the wt society has altered their history to deceive the public and their own members.. notice this quote from george orwell's " 1984 " on pg.
Yes, they absolutely do alter history. Don't they have a department for that in Bethel?
1984 has always reminded me of the Borg. Watch out the thought police are watching right now.
does the watchtower give or create community, and take or steal faith and salvation?.
No other religion takes AND destroys as much...
you couldn't make it up.
see today's wt .
9 eldersonregionalbuildingcommittees and relief committees work hard to help the brothers.
No wonder the WT condemns education. If they actually READ this crap, they could see it doesn’t even make sense. It’s a bunch of thought control babble, embellished with the unnecessary use of exclamation points.
I would love a follow up story... (or not)
I'm probably overstepping my boundaries here (with trekkies)
But when I was a kid, I couldn't help but think there were physical similarities...
it's been a while since i've posted on the forum but im needing to get how i'm feeling out of my head and out in the open.
i don't know what's going on with me but sometimes i feel overwhelmingly sad and my eyes well up like i'm going to start crying.
i'm not thinking about any one particular thing when this happens.
I thought the same thing...who would want me? I'm scared of being alone. My family is JW, they will reject me or blame it on leaving the Borg.
I left a man who did not respect me and hurt me sexually/physically/mentally. I am not alone now, I found a wonderful man, who treats me with respect, listens to me, does not abuse me. Imagined if I had stayed in the abusive relationship? It wasn't easy at first (when i left). But it passed... and now I am happy.
You are scared and this perfectly normal. I know you have love for him, but truth is he doesn't know how to love.
Eventually it will end, and if you stay much longer it will end really bad. This is the truth. You need to be honest with yourself, really honest. I can tell you to leave along with 500 others. Ultimately no one can make you leave...ultimately it is up to you to wake up.
let me suggest a good book for you. http://www.amazon.com/Women-Who-Love-Too-Much/dp/0671733419
Just like leaving any situation where mind control has been used, you must educate yourself/arm yourself. Look for places to live, look at pricing, schooling for your children. Set up the dream in your mind. Read a lot of self help books. You will be unstoppable once you muster the courage to live your life and allow your children to see a happy mom.
He died?
Kidding. But, in all seriousness I found out on an ' Apostate' website. hah.