Jesus is gonna git all you science-worshipping nay-sayers!
mary: what's evolution?.
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think plasma gave birth to monkeys which gave birth to humans.
Jesus is gonna git all you science-worshipping nay-sayers!
well, i sat thru day 2 of the latest circuit assembly.
instead of having the co or do re address the "generation" confusion, they had a couple of brothers do a demonstration.
mocha break out in service, weaker brother mentions he's tired....all of the changes lately, the confusing new understanding of that generation, et al.
john, his brother james, and their father,.
(john 3:1, 2; 19:38) this fear.
overcome fear of man.
Why is it that women seem to get sucked into the JW's more than men? They are obviously having trouble finding dudes that don't have mile long judicial "rap-sheets". I hope this cult dies hard some day.
did any of you ever have the bathroom for your bookstudy too close to where everyone was sitting?
i had one bookstudy like that.
i never used the bathroom there except for one time when i intentionally went in there to make as loud of a poop as possible as an act of rebellion.
Did any of you ever have the bathroom for your bookstudy too close to where everyone was sitting? I had one bookstudy like that. I never used the bathroom there except for one time when I intentionally went in there to make as loud of a poop as possible as an act of rebellion. Also hated the older brother that always made moaning/grunting type noises in there. Hard to keep a straight face as a young man, hell, even now.
somebody does not like this kingdom hall...... i wonder why?.
emailshare|printtext sizemore frayed nerves after arson scare at kingdom hallposted: jan 10, 2012 10:34 am estupdated: jan 10, 2012 10:34 am est university heights (cbs 8) - another security scare at a jehovah's witness kingdom hall is rattling nerves in university heights tuesday.. for the fourth time in less than a month, police responded to the hall on the 2000 block of adams avenue.. in december, two separate arson attacks caused thousands of dollars in damage.
Let 'em all burn as far as I care. I'd never risk throwing my life away by doing anything so insane, but kudos to those who do lol.
troubled former witness calls legal department at the watchtower organization.............. dale beckman says, can the "society" be guilty of "alienation of affection?
" in my case, my family has been told it is proper to hate me and to do nothing to help me in any way - otherwise, they could be considered a sharer in my works of "unforgivable sin.
" they are told not to even greet me.
Huh? They might be issuing a warrant for the arrest of the Governing Body? (near begin of vid 2 like was stated)
If anyone can connect me with his dealer LMK - I want some of what he's smoking.
today i saw a friend that is still a hardcore jw.
she knows we're not going to meetings, but seemed pretty cool with it and was willing to have lunch with me, so i thought why not?
she mentioned something about the convention coming up in a couple of weeks, and all of the sudden i got so nostalgic and felt like maybe i wanted to go.
Sounds like you still haven't de-programmed and that you have fallen for the "love bomb". If you want to go be a JW, go be a JW. Have fun knocking on doors and attending brainwashing sessions!
Hard to feel anything for a man like this when his life's work was to do everything he could in helping to mislead millions, destroy families, and set people up for failure in life. Rot in pieces old man.
dear brothers and sisters, .
i worry about you jumping on steven hassan's ideas which are not new, in fact, after reading a good chunk of his book today, nothing he has written is fresh and new to the psychology world.
so far, i have been cautious about revealing who or what schooling and background i have.
It is like that flick where people die after they have seen the movie, except that after you read the Steve Hassan cult book you are subconsciously hyponotized into the Cult of Hassan forever without knowing it. Everyone here recommending are people that have already been infected.
It's a legit conspiracy.