update..........we have just found out that the arrangments were canceled. There will be no calling hours or services of any kind!!!
It was first said that the service would be held at the local funeral home due to the non j.w. family and friends. He was cremated Monday and his wife *a pioneer* has called everything off. That's all I know. We were wondering if anyone had experienced such a turn around and if anyone feels that it's connected to the j.w.'s view of suicide. I wonder if it was requested that his funeral be at the Kingdom Hall, but was refused. My mother was a j.w. and her funeral was at the Kingdom Hall. My father was not a witness and after his suicide, it was decided to have the funeral at the funeral home. I realize the stigma that comes with suicide and I also know how the org. likes to protect their environment. Well, I guess now, I don't have to worry if I should go to the funeral or not!!!
Posts by Nat
elder commits suicide.....need advice
by Nat inhey everybody,.
my sister-in-law's brother took his life sunday afternoon.
it has been devastating to her and her family.
elder commits suicide.....need advice
by Nat inhey everybody,.
my sister-in-law's brother took his life sunday afternoon.
it has been devastating to her and her family.
Thanks everyone for your imput!!!! I appreciate it soooo much. The funeral is Sat. and I think I'll go. I think it's important also that other survivors of suicide show their support. I know what they are going through and I want to show my respect, regardless of the past and present situation with the j.w. thing. I also feel that it may be important that I deal with this also. I've know the family all my life. It may not seem real to me if I don't go. I also feel it's important to everyone to show their support in any way possible. There will be other non j.w. family members there that I can interact with if the j.w.'s don't feel comfortable talking to me. I've done alot of research on suicide since I lost my dad in 1996. Someone takes their life every 17 minutes in the United States and it continues to grow at an alarming rate. It's important to me for them to know that I care and that I am sorry for their loss. So as of this moment, I think that I'm going to go to the funeral. I really appreciate anymore advice and input on this. Thanks so much.
elder commits suicide.....need advice
by Nat inhey everybody,.
my sister-in-law's brother took his life sunday afternoon.
it has been devastating to her and her family.
Hey Everybody,
My sister-in-law's brother took his life Sunday afternoon. It has been devastating to her and her family. Anyone that has lost someone to suicide knows how difficult it is to experience. I lost my dad to suicide in 1996. I left the org. a couple of years ago, as many of you know, and I haven't been in contact with alot of my j.w. family. I am struggling on weather or not I should go to the funeral. My heart is breaking for all those effected by this, and I know all to well what they are going through. Should I go and offer compasion and forget about the whole witness thing and go to the funeral? I realize some will not want to approach me and some may not know what to do. Would it be best to show my respect by sending a card or flowers? I would really appreciate any feedback. I'm just torn and don't know what to do. -
Any Former Elders?
by ItsJustMe inwould any former elders like to share their experiences serving on judicial committees?
were your decisions subjective?
do you feel that the "system" works?
I agree JT!!! Don't ya just love this site!!! The internet saved my life!!!
How did you guys like my poem!!!! I hope I didn't step on any toes! I used to be one of those clones, that walked 3 feet behind!!! Long story, but NO more!!! =;o)
I'm glad that we ALL got out!!! This place has been my safe haven and it set me free!!!
Peace! =;o)
Any Former Elders?
by ItsJustMe inwould any former elders like to share their experiences serving on judicial committees?
were your decisions subjective?
do you feel that the "system" works?
Somehow when I *copy/paste* that last post, I screwed it up! sorry!
Here it is again......and please excuse my first post! =:o)
With long boring talks
And straight back chairs
I would fall asleep
Or pull out my hairWith their bibles in hand
I could not believe
Clones as far as
The eyes could seeRemember work detail
Serving the watchtower
But at least it got you away
From sitting for hoursBut during lunch
The halls we would roam
Looking for a mate
We could call our ownThe elders with power
In their eyes
For they were legends
In their own mindAnd the sisters
Walking 3 feet behind
Waiting to kiss ass
Just for the right signWhen the talks got too long
It was time to sneak out
Take a drive for a drink
Or to make out!Gosh, I miss those days
Elders meetings and such
Clicks and back-stabbers
Our own minds turning to mushBeing called freaks
And never fitting in
Odd balls at school
Wishing only to blendI'd be lying
If I said
I wasn't just alittle
Unscaved in the head ! =;o) -
Any Former Elders?
by ItsJustMe inwould any former elders like to share their experiences serving on judicial committees?
were your decisions subjective?
do you feel that the "system" works?
I've really enjoyed this topic!!! I just had to share a poem that I wrote awhile back!!! I write alot of poetry in my spare time.
HoWith long boring talks
And straight back chairs
I would fall asleep
Or pull out my hairWith their bibles in hand
I could not believe
Clones as far as
The eyes could seeRemember work detail
Serving the watchtower
But at least it got you away
From sitting for hoursBut during lunch
The halls we would roam
Looking for a mate
We could call our ownThe elders with power
In their eyes
For they were legends
In their own mindAnd the sisters
Walking 3 feet behind
Waiting to kiss ass
Just for the right signWhen the talks got too long
It was time to sneak out
Take a drive for a drink
Or to make out!Gosh, I miss those days
Elders meetings and such
Clicks and back-stabbers
Our own minds turning to mushBeing called freaks
And never fitting in
Odd balls at school
Wishing only to blendI'd be lying
If I said
I wasn't just alittle
Unscaved in the head ! =;o)
pe you enjoy! =;o) -
New JW Song Titles- Post 'em here!
by TR inlisa gave me the idea for this topic.. so, what are your ideas for some catchy song titles?
any genre will do.
1. i got mauled at the kingdom hall.
Oh TR, you've hurt me!!! I was laughing so hard, I was crying!!!! [=D]
I haven't laughed that hard in awhile!!! It was good to have a change of pace for a few minutes. =:o)
Thank-you so much for that! =:o) I know I don't post much, but I absolutey LOVE this site!!! I try to read alittle every morning with my coffee!!! I'm just one of them there ol lurkers that never post! =;o) The post about the greatcrowd.net forum was killer!!!!
I'm gonna go back and read the songs again!!!!!
Good to see you on board! Nat =;o) -
chilling out.................
by Nat inso, how is everyone this fine day!
=;o) i thought i'd stop lurking for ahwile and pop in and say hey!
it's good to see all the different fews and i fondly reconize many names!
hey girl! good to hear from ya!!! i hope t.r. and stan see this post, i wanted to say hey to them too! hope everyone is doing good!!!!! =;o)
chilling out.................
by Nat inso, how is everyone this fine day!
=;o) i thought i'd stop lurking for ahwile and pop in and say hey!
it's good to see all the different fews and i fondly reconize many names!
thanks guys! =:o)
i'm thinking kansas, but nothings ringing a bell!!! have we met??? =:o) -
chilling out.................
by Nat inso, how is everyone this fine day!
=;o) i thought i'd stop lurking for ahwile and pop in and say hey!
it's good to see all the different fews and i fondly reconize many names!
so, how is everyone this fine day! =;o) i thought i'd stop lurking for ahwile and pop in and say hey!
it's good to see all the different fews and i fondly reconize many names! so to you, and everyone, i warmly, southernly, say hello.
as i sit here thinking about what i'm gonna write, i guess the first thing that comes to my mind is where i am in the whole j.w. thing. i doubt i'll write my story, but i will say this.... i can finally see the dust begin to settle. my experience with the j.w. thing makes me feel as if i've been sucked up into a tornado and twisted a thousand different directions and has dropped me to the ground. i find that i've been wounded, but i slowly get up and i recieve the necessary help and i heal. now i'm a survivor. and that is what you are all my friends. being raised in and out of the org. it's a long story, i'll not take you through all the details. bottom line, my dad opposed and my mother and i were babtised when i was 13. at 41, i look at myself and i find a sense of surrending peace. which comes with a very warm welcome. coming from a big family in the south, my family was not of the norm. my dad, a hard nose strict, 6'4' 250pd., raging alcohol. my mother, a good woman with high morals and a backbone made of steel. with 6 big brothers, and 4 sisters, conflict from dad made it difficult for mama to get us to the kingdom hall, but she loaded all of us up in our station wagon and off we'd go! dad would go everynow and then, but it never lasted. in my personal opinion, i feel my dad was manic depressant, that needed, but never got the appropiate medication. he took his life in 1996. my mother passed away 2 years ago in aug. from breast cancer. i dissociated myself 3 years ago. i have some j.w. siblins and i speak if i see them. there was a time when it would bother me, but now, it's okay with me. i've let go of all the anger. i see where the tornado has left it's part and my part in all of it. i've past the part of wallering in my self pity and i'll make amends with those where i feel i can. i've read the c.o.c. book and i've started the *in search of christian freedom*. in one way it has been tragic, but in the other way, it has been strengthening. i know my family loves me, and i understand why mother hung on the org. with everything she had. now i just want peace in my life. i've survived and we've survived and we are living testiment to what strength is. my husband dissociated himself when i did. i don't even feel the need to read this last book. i pretty much don't think about it anymore and we see the light at the end of the funal. the air is peaceful, and all is calm, but there is will be a rebuilding that is taking place and that is a good feeling. so, i'll leave that with it's good to still be around and that life is good. a thank-god for anti-depressants! peace =;o)