Nope. Lots of people are no such thing.
are, it's why rational people don't walk out of second floor windows. I
suggest you look up 'last thursdayism' as I think it applies to
anything that comes from a study of epistemology.
You may want to find out what "Evidentialism" actually is, before stating that "everyone" is an evidentialist, perhaps.
If you think Last Thursdayism applies to "anything that comes from a study of epistemology": It is clear you don't understand epistemology very well.
(Assuming that you are using "anything", here, as synonymous with "everything", which you seem to be doing, given the context.)
I wasn't trying to convince you. Your opinion of epistemology doesn't effect me, one way or the other.You bought it up, not me. If you don't want to discuss your own contribution to a discussion forum then why are you here?
I did mention epistemology, that is very true, have a cookie.
You then popped up and said that, according to what you see as the "evidence", epistemology has no "predictive power" (I've no idea at all why you think it should have) "or value".
In what way did you think that voicing your opinion of the lack of value in epistemology, was encouraging my further "discussion" of it with you?
An article you may find enlightening, maybe: