One thing you have to remember to, is that there are many here that are at different stages of "waking up". Some are still "members", some are long removed from it, others are just starting to realize how they feel about things. Many are only mildly concerned, while others have been truly "hurt" by the organization. Then, you have the many levels of hurt, and with that the many levels of healing.
Many are new to sites like this, in general, and they are still attending meetings, just coming to grips with their own feelings. Others, like myself, are new to this site, and yet i have been "out"/DF'd from the borg, for over 20 years. Then others have been "aware" of the hypocrisy for years, and on these sites for years too.
So many are at different levels and stages, simply with their own feelings, and learning about information itself. Thats why a site like this, is a great stepping stone for many to start to wake up and continue to learn, and at all levels and stages.
Maybe, this will eventually blossom into a "movement" of sorts, but i feel this will be an organic, and natural progression in due time. Maybe, the time is now, maybe the climate is "ripe", or maybe it will still take years to progress. One person can change this, or one event could be a catalyst in this. If we say, "IT SHOULD BE" , it doesnt mean it will be, BUT, it also doesnt mean it cant or wont be, either.
Time will tell, whats meant to be will be. I for one would be happy to help others be released from the harm the WTS has caused, and causes. I would be willing to organize, or give time and resources to doing so, but again, only time can tell.
One thing i have learned, in my continued journey, is that we "all can make our own destiny". When i was WRONGLY kicked out of the WTS, i was told by the Elders that i wasnt worthy of forgiveness, but if i staid in the "world", where hypocrytically they were throwing me, i would be leading a miserable and unfullfilled life.
Well, i didnt let their harmfull words "rule" me, and fast forward 20 years later, and i am a self-employed milloinaire. I own rental properties, my own corporations, i make my own hours, and can work when i wish, on my own terms, and at 40 years old. I have plenty of disposable income, a beautiful home, a wonderful family, with 2 beautiful daughters. I have a happy marriage, a wife who respects and loves me, and i her. I have wonderful relationships and friendships, with people from all walks of life. I have surpassed all the Elders that threw me away as a 19 year old boy, financially, intelectually, and humanly. Now that i am a 40 year old man, i know that they are NOTHING.