Windchaser: I looked to see if I could find an answer to your question on "returning to their old way of studying". Clicked on the link and read the following - this is what I found.
"Ahora en la Asamblea de Distrito Celosos proclamadores del Reino de Dios se mencion que se debe estudiar el libro Adoremos al nico Dios verdadero" con los estudiantes que hayan estudiado el libro El Conocimiento que lleva a la vida eterna, de esta manera la organizacin regresa al mtodo anterior de estudio bblico con un folleto y dos libros."
TRANSLATION: Now, in the District Assembly "Zealous Proclaimers of the Kingdom of God", it was mentioned that one should study the book "Worshiping the one True God" with students that have already studied the book "Knowledge that leads to Eternal Life", in this manner, the organization is returning to their previous method of bible studies with one tract and two books
"Una de las posibles razones es que muchas personas necesitan mas tiempo para hacerse testigos de Jehov y tratar de conseguirlo en 6 meses y con un libro de 192 no era tarea fcil, adems es probable que al descontinuar el estudio debido a la falta de progreso del estudiante se estuvieran perdiendo posibles publicadores que quizs les tomara mucho mas tiempo progresar, si bien es cierto que miles de personas han estudiado con el libro conocimiento, tambin hay un problema de disminucin en algunos paises como se ha visto en Europa y Norteamrica. Tal ha sido el problema que ahora se permite a ciertas personas informar fracciones de horas y los superintendentes del estudio del libro estn ejerciendo un estricto control de los que informan, de hecho ahora el informe de las congregaciones se entrega al Superintendente de Circuito y este a la sucursal del pas donde sirve. "
TRANSLATION: One of the possible reasons is that many people need more time to become Jehovah's witnesses and trying to achieve this in six months and with one book of 192 (pages) was not an easy task; additionally it is probably that by discontinuing the bible study due to a lack of the student's progress, one would be losing possible publishers that perhaps would require more time to progress, since it is true that thousands of people have studied with the Knowledge book, there is also a problem with dimishing (membership) in a few countries, such as has been seen in Europe and North America. ; Such has become a problem that now certain persons are permitted to turn in fractions of hours (on their timesheets) ......and that congregations now turn in their timesheets to the Circuit Overseer, and he to the headquarters in the country which he serves.
Interesting, no?