i wouldnt suggest anyone necking strong salty water, not even to avoid meetings
JoinedPosts by nelly136
Avoiding the Meeting
by brotherdan inso, darth plaugeis (or however you spell it) has suggested that the best way to get out of going to the meeting is to tell your wife that it's time to get ready for the meeting, and when her back is turned hit her over the head with a large object.. i'm sure there are better ways to get out of going.
i'm looking for some real ideas here.
" i like the whole getting your wife (or husband) drunk before the meeting so they won't want to go idea.
by african GB Member inthe jc gave me 7 days to appeal, ...well, i am not going to waste my energy trying to win a loosing battle.....or(wait aminute), i can play difficult and strech them to their limit..
If i dont get reinstated i'll loose my fiancee as well
umm youre not officially dfd until next week? the week to decide whether you want to apeal comes before the df? or has there been new light?
Mother In-Law expressed DOUBTS ABOUT THE BORG!!!
by brotherdan inon saturday i was watching tv and my mother-in law was hanging out at the house and asked me if i'd come in the office and talk to her for a second.
i thought, "great...she's heard that i don't believe in the wt anymore..." so i went back and asked her what was up.
she said, "i'm having a tough time and really doubting things in the organization.
She had been listening at the door! She started yelling at me that I was horrible for attacking her mom at this tough time (her mom is df'd but "coming back"). Her mom was nice and said that she brought up the conversation and we were just discussing facts and not being critical. But my wife had been listening at the door too long.
thats a little disturbing.
is there anything about cult members spying on other members in the steven hassan book you can photocopy and give to your mil?
holding hands in prayer thing
by bez in... is this "no holding hands in prayers" law really true???
i have not heard of this before?
when did this happen?
Reminder:Don't forget to close your eyes during prayer
hmmm, just wondering where in the bible it says shut your eyes during prayer?
Is this how all door knocking is now?
by jamesmahon ini was prompted to join this site as i got a knock on the door a couple of days ago.. no, when i went door knocking 20 years ago - although admittedly i was a child - the sales patter went like this.
ahem... "hello.
we are speaking to you today to tell you about the watchtower and awake.
lil, wait for the second knock and it'll be an elder asking you if you want to go back
(If you ever were) Was getting DF'ed a relief? Did you lose patience with 'the fade'?
by Sapphy ini was wondering about this.. i'm doing a slow fade, i don't want to lose friends and family - but it's frustrating.
wasting time going to meetings etc when my heart and head isn't in it anymore.
it feels like a game played by everyone elses rules but mine.
I'm considering making a false confession about having committed fornication or something....
if youre looking for a 'lesser sin' ...smoking worked for my dad, my mother wanted him dfd for adultery, he got dfd for smoking instead.
What's the best cover version of a song you've ever heard?
by VampireDCLXV inthe title pretty much says it all.. it's true that there are many classics that simply can't be topped but it doesn't stop people from trying anyway.
and what do ya know; occasionally someone does succeed.
here i will post at least one notable example.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o9gf_sofbm&p=301f39587863d18d&playnext=1&index=3.
What's the best cover version of a song you've ever heard?
by VampireDCLXV inthe title pretty much says it all.. it's true that there are many classics that simply can't be topped but it doesn't stop people from trying anyway.
and what do ya know; occasionally someone does succeed.
here i will post at least one notable example.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o9gf_sofbm&p=301f39587863d18d&playnext=1&index=3.
What's the best cover version of a song you've ever heard?
by VampireDCLXV inthe title pretty much says it all.. it's true that there are many classics that simply can't be topped but it doesn't stop people from trying anyway.
and what do ya know; occasionally someone does succeed.
here i will post at least one notable example.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o9gf_sofbm&p=301f39587863d18d&playnext=1&index=3.
pete burns covering ...pete burns
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9heS667LUHE&feature=related covered by marilyn manson
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbSvqJDB-d4 covered by flo.
did mention i love this song?
Were you Stalked or Chased After Once you Exited the JW's by Elders ?
by flipper ini tried to fade off the map by moving 30 miles initially in 2004 after i exited in late 2003 .
the first several years they didn't bother me.
i ran into a elder from my former congregation in late 2005 in an antique store - he tried telling me i was wrong for stopping attending meetings.
At one of my former work place, there were two male JWs who spied on my job and later had to influence non JWs co-workers to do likewise on their behalf.
fortunately the pepes i worked with were really nice, they got a whole new impression of the 'happified doorknockers' i didnt work with any jws while i was there but at somepoint after a jw did work there and then took them to a tribunal cos she didnt want to work the fag kiosk to cover the teabreak periods.
double innoculation lol