the song talks of no religion and everyone getting along and living in peace,
not really the genocidal imaginings of the jws.
ok.... of course john lennon's would be 70th birthday was yesterday.. so just a discussion - and please - no hate'in... just some discussion.. but i personally know of a very high ranking jw member (think highest you can basically get...) who related this story to me how some jw's talked to john lennon shortly before he wrote "imagine.".
when he told me - he did preface it by saying it was "hearsay..." that he couldn't prove it.. but listening to the song tonight - i could see how it could be possible.. thoughts?.
the song talks of no religion and everyone getting along and living in peace,
not really the genocidal imaginings of the jws.
i'm wondering how any of your parents responded when you disassociated yourself with a letter.. should i do so?
i'm wondering how my parents will react since i'm moving in with my uncle just in time..
**I'm not sure if my uncle wants to keep me longer than one week.**
i really would get that clarified or have further plans for a roof before you throw in the letter,
its one thing leaving (and thats not easy), its another thing ending up homeless with no where to go.
preperation and being able to support yourself is a must. if you've been offered a job as a manager then that would be woth investigating, especially i there may be help with finding accomodation attached or at least enough money to support yourself in finding somewhere.
there is no shame in delaying if it gives you a little time to make sure your bases are covered.
i ask because they're suspiciously similar.
i wonder if they can be found in southwest alabama?.
mad dawg, yorkshire puddings are definately made of yorkshire terriers, and shepherds pies are made of shepherds
so that spotty dick pic you're sporting must be made of.........
i am amazed at all of the dresses and skirts that i will never wear again.
i was joking the other day i need to have a garage sale and advertise to jw's.
tons of long skirts, and lots of dresses.
i have a huge collection of jeans, comfy practical and go great with trainers..... or high heels if i fancy feeling tall for the day.
have you ever felt you need to change your life?
your routines?
have you just broken up and moved and changed your work etc?.
maybe you could join a club or do an evening course or two, if you dont work weekends maybe
plan days out away from home, a weekend away once in a while to somewhere you havent been and fancy going.
sometimes a change is as good as a rest.
greetings, egg eaters:.
it's about 3:30 a.m., my usual hour up and writing.
eggs and onions are on the range, even as we speak.. i'm thinking of one of my favorite actresses, margaret rutherford, and her husband, stringer davis, who had the custom of a midnight repast of bacon and eggs.. do you down cackleberries with relish?
home made scotch eggs are cool, and if you swap the sausagemeat jacket for a mashed potato one (herbs optional) that works just as well.
stepped down in feb 2010 official around april.
i had time to read books which never really liked to read.
however if the subject intrest me thats diffrent.
of the congregation i spent my life in i would say a good 75% had nervous breakdowns at some point.
and often there was never really a obivous reason for it.
well not that we jw's could understand at the time.. even the queen bee's/ elderettes were not immune to this.. what about you?.
i think there were quite a few with some sort of disorders depression stress etc, not sure i'd call them all nervous breakdowns though, i can only think of one who ended up committed after a total breakdown.
greetings, egg eaters:.
it's about 3:30 a.m., my usual hour up and writing.
eggs and onions are on the range, even as we speak.. i'm thinking of one of my favorite actresses, margaret rutherford, and her husband, stringer davis, who had the custom of a midnight repast of bacon and eggs.. do you down cackleberries with relish?
mustn't forget boiled egg and soldiers.
greetings, egg eaters:.
it's about 3:30 a.m., my usual hour up and writing.
eggs and onions are on the range, even as we speak.. i'm thinking of one of my favorite actresses, margaret rutherford, and her husband, stringer davis, who had the custom of a midnight repast of bacon and eggs.. do you down cackleberries with relish?
mashed hard boiled with blob of mayonaise, dash of mustard and lots of black pepper n pinch of salt.