F rom new flock book, sorry I dont know how to paste properly.
10. Scriptural freedom to remarry requires three
a rejection (refusal to reconcile)
by the innocent mate; and a legal, final divorce.
-Matt. 5:31, 32; 19:9; Heb. 13:4.
11. If a dedicated Christian who accuses his believing
mate of adultery and
wishes to establish
freedom to divorce and remarry
approaches an
elder, the matter should be referred to the body of elders.
The accuser is not free unless the evidence establishing
wrongdoing is sufficient to warrant the
formation of a judicial committee. (Deut. 19:15; John
8:17) If the accused mate is associated with another
congregation, the evidence should be presented to
"Shepherd the Flock
o f God”~ l Peter 5:2
the elders of that congregation for review and a determination.
The publisher should be advised
that he
not to view himself as Scripturally free until theelders
have investigated
and guilt isestablished.
12. In some cases adultery is not proved, but it is
established by confession or by two or more witnesses
that the mate stayed
all nightin the same house
with a person of the opposite sex (or a known homosexual)
under improper circumstances.
The elders
should carefully consider the situation. Were the individuals
all night? Were impropercircumstances