This is a follow up to my previous thread
So we had our CO Visit and we were quizzed about the "problem" of higher education as well. Not the exact wording or questions that my friend had a couple months ago but same thought.
Pretty much Higher Education is always bad. Higher Education is defined by the F&DS as 4 years of a university with the view towards getting a specific degree. In other words if they do not pioneer and go to a 4year university then they and their parents are spiritually weak and need to be spoken too.
Do they lack faith in Jah's promises? Are they putting their trust in Satan's system? If the father is an appointed man then we were told as per the Letter to BOE March 6, 2012 to evaluate the situation and see if he still qualifies.
It was quite unnerving and really lacked any logical reasoning. Higher Education will always = falling away from the "truth" period! He said as spiritual shepherds we need to be aware if any of our little lamb's () stray from the flock and get snatched by Satan's influence.....a big one he uses is higher education. He went on and on but I won't disgust you with the details.
I am not sure if this is an across the board type situation or regional based on BOE reports but my friend and I live in different parts of the U.S. and it was the same ideas. So they are definitely on the hunt for poor JW's trying to educate themselves and getting a life.