I am in europe and this happened 6 months ago here.
The brothers here dont seem to be too happy about this new arrengement. For example, a big congregation near our is being used a big hub where aprox. 30 other congregations have to pick up their literature, so whenever literature is getting delivered a huge swarm of bros/sis have to sort them out for the 30 congregations. Previously the bethel truck would deliver the literature on a Friday and they had the weekend to do the job and starting with Monday we were able to pick up our literature. Now UPS delivers the literature a couple of days later on a Monday so everybody has to wait one week to pickup the literature because the bros can only do the work of sorting out the literature for the congregations on a weekend.
The brother who signs up on the delivery papers is not too happy either, previously he was good friends with the bethel truck driver and because he had a long route, he even stayed there over night. Now the communication with UPS is not existed, they even arrive at different times so the bro signing up the deliver paper has to stay there a whole day waiting for UPS.