I'm a 'long term' inactivator
Posts by erbie
Former L T Elder- Head Quarters & Great Tribulation
by James Jackson inthe local needs talk this week was about helping with the building project in warick new york.
the speaker said twice that project was for building the "world head quarters"!
then he added twice; that the "great tribulation" cannot start to after the "world head quarters" is built!
It appears that Candace Conti has a strong case. However...
by Calebs Airplane ini believe we may all be surprized at the final outcome of this case.... as you may already know, arnold schwarzennegar appointed robert mcguiness as superior court judge in 2005. mcguinness is the judge in the candace conti case.. it is widely known that arnold scharzennegar is a high-ranking freemason with direct ties to the rothschild family (primary shareholders of the watchtower corporation).
judge robert mcguinness comes from a family of powerful and influential irish freemasons who also enjoy strong ties to the rothschild family.. so this could go south very quickly for candace in the next few days.... .
Good point Phizzy.
Bang on the money.
A JW apologist writes about VAT 4956
by VM44 ina jw wrote the following in an attempt to discredit the evidence provided by vat 4956. comments on the author's logic would be appreciated.
does vat 4956 prove 587?.
many point to vat 4956 as proof that jerusalem was desolated in 587bce.
They still need to prove that they are right and that is impossible so it is an empty argument. I've combed through all this stuff so many times it now makes me tired just to think of it.
If they are right and Jesus did return in 1914 (which is what they are trying to sell) then where is he???
Don't waste time even contemplating it!
Even MORE evidence for "Jesus died on a Cross"?
by ILoveTTATT ini like jwfact's http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/cross-or-stake.php.
it would probably be interesting to add the information found in this article:.
This was very informative, thankyou.
This is very interesting and important info for both Witnesses and and ex Witnesses but the fact is that the Romans crucified people, that is what they did. History confirms that is what they did. Why on earth the Watchtower insists on being contrary is beyond me. We do an injustice to ourselves and others by even considering their petty argument which has no historical backing whatsoever.
Thanks again for sharing this.
The Orwells are so naughty! Filthy little apostates we are.
by Julia Orwell inmy husband has started playing violent samurai video games again!
he's grown a beard!
he watched lord of the rings!.
That's the trouble when you leave...
It all goes to pot!
There Is No 'Heavenly Hope'!
by The Searcher inpropitiatory sacrifice.
this is how christ's death is described three times in the scriptures.. the apostle john wrote, "the love is in this respect, not that we have loved god, but that he loved us and sent forth his son as a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins.
" (1 john 4:10).
It seems to me that you are trying to make sense of something which is such an entanglement of contradictions and irregularities that lack any kind of reason that you could spend your whole life searching only to find at the end of it all that it is nothing more than a blind alley which, ultimately, leads to disillusionment.
That is your choice to make.
I may not agree with it but I respect that it is your choice to make.
I wish you joy...
Video of admitted child molester in Jehovahs Witnesses has gone viral!
by disfellowshipped1 innotice these two attorneys opining on this case.. http://watchtowerleaks.com/tagged/child-molestation.
I just can't even comprehend why Prime is on here defending the Watchtower cult.
Prime, you poor fool, if they were innocent as you insist, we wouldn't even be having this this conversation.
What part of reality and truth is it that you don't understand.
If they represent the truth then get yourself off this 'apostate' website and wait for the Watchtower worldly kingdom yet-to-come.
And please don't insult our intelligence further.
An official Jw.org YouTube channel.
by His Excellency inan official jw.org youtube channel.
I'm with the above on that. It could possibly be a way of drawing people out, especially if, like me, you are signed in to youtube with your real name.
Nevertheless, the desire to 'come out' and expose my true identity and post things that would also expose them has become like an itch that I am longing to scratch. It no longer seems enough for me to post anonymously. I guess its like standing up to be counted or something along those lines.
Do be careful though if you are still in because they will punish you for speaking out.
Who left or got stumbled over the 1995 generation thing?
by Julia Orwell inor the 2000's generation thing?.
how did you feel?
how did it help you wake up?
Yes, I remember the anouncement as though it were yesterday. I was an attendant at the 1995 Cardiff District Convention and I remember standing there near the pram parking area thinking, "oh dear, I know why they have done that, its to buy themselves more time". I did carry on for a while after that but the penny had dropped and it was never the same for me again.
Cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias must have evaded me (thankfully).
What Is The Most Absurd JW Belief or View?
by minimus inthere are many silly doctines and viewpoints.. one of the strangest ones is the blood doctrine.. why anyone could logically accept this belief is beyond reason..
That it is 'The Truth'