You are still thinking like a JW which is to be expected because that is what they have trained your mind to do.
It can take a long time to free your mind of their control.
If you want to look at it from a Christian/Biblical perspective I would suggest you try this:
Even his disciples asked Jesus how they were to know the way, to which He replied, "I Am the way, the truth and the light".
It took me many years before I saw the truth in those few words and for the penny to drop. It is actually painfully simple and that is the marvel of it all. All those Watchtower lies, one stacked upon another just for the purpose of defending the central, pivotal lie are completely unnecessary and are an obstacle to any kind of spirituality.
It is much less complicated than you think, just don't look at things through the eyes with which you once approached the Watchtower riddles.
In short, the 'Truth' is not a religious cult run by a troupe of corporate suits in a tall office building but is Jesus Christ himself (according to the Bible).
...if indeed it is the Bible's viewpoint you are searching for. However, if you are searching for a preconceived, eroronious viewpoint that you have inherited from the Watchtower cult then I wish you well for it will be a long, arduous task and ultimately a fruitless one.