It may be some sort of self-insurance program for bethelites. Many employer groups are set up like this to get managed care discounts at healtcare providers.
I doubt it extends beyond the bethelites
It may be some sort of self-insurance program for bethelites. Many employer groups are set up like this to get managed care discounts at healtcare providers.
I doubt it extends beyond the bethelites
some of you have encouraged me already in the week or so i've been here and i think you.. here's the situation.
i am single.
i am 34 years old.
You are at the beginning of a hard road.
Amen. You have no idea how hard the road is going to be. But you need to understand that you have to travel down that road eventually. The sooner you start the sooner you will have the rest of your life.
Make plans, move to another congregation, explain that you are suffering from depression. Actively pursue a path to keep the elders away. Cheat on you time. Become passive aggressive by canceling talks at the last minute. This is war. They don't give a crap about you, so don't let them get to you. They are only roadblocks on your path to the rest of your life.
Good luck.
the idea for this thread was sparked by seeing that a lot of guys thought that the latest km article would be a great talking point.
there are a number of jwd poster who have lived through the hell of having a wife who thinks it is the truth.
i am happy to say that i have been through it and survived.
My hopefully soon to be ex-wife is a diehard witness. Not that she actually understands what she believes, but she does believe. From her perspective everything is black and white. Watchtower = God. Anything said against the Watchtower is against God, including me. When I told her I no longer believed in the wt circa 1994, she treated me as dead. It took me another 10 years to finially say I had enough. But no one can say I did not try.
I could NEVER get her away from the wt=god concept and finially just gave up trying. The final straw was when she sent a "brooklyn" elder to me to help me see the light. That was the most stressful day of my life. If I had a gun that day I would have shot him and myself afterwards. I finally had to acknowledged that I have no marriage. From that moment on I made plans to get my own life away from her.
When I was with her I fighting her about the "truth" I became a very heavy drinker. As soon as I left my drinking dropped off considerably. I am now at the point that I am completely sober.
I was always considered a "lover of money" because I had a good job, a career, and an education. While she dispised that, she is trying to get every penny from me through a long and painful divorce.
Sorry to dump this on a hopefully positive thread, but I am having a bad day.
ok guys and gals, i (being the assistant to the magazine counter) have acquired the newest okm.. i have uploaded it to here.
hopefully that works!.
by the way drew, your translation was very close.
This qfr is outrageous. It took me a few minutes to figure out that it was not a parody.
How can anyone read this and not agree that this is a dangerous cult?!
17 yearts ago, it took 3,624,773 publishers to generate 263,855 baptisms (1990 yrbk).
however, last year it took 6,491,775 publishers to get 248,327 baptised!
exactly what work were those spare 3 million publishers.
half the work was a hoax in the 90s. That makes 75% of the work a hoax now
i'm not sure if this is old news to you guys but i just heard that the wts is now giving 30mins public talks instead of 45mins public talks.
this new arrangement is starting on jan 2008. i think the wts has seen that the r&f has had enought of all these meetings and is trying to wind them down without it looking like they are giving in.
Apostates are blessed by their very own fds and received "food at the proper time." So, yes we know all about this information. The information came as if manna from heaven.
or are you still grossly affected because you were once a jw?
I go out of my way not to be normal.
it opened today in oz, went to the 6:30 screening just after work.... was ok i guess, not what i was expecting, rather boring actually....
if your a simpsons fan or you've ever enjoyed the show, see this film, you'll love it!
Some of the Simpson episodes reruns are great. However, I have found it difficult to watch lately. Seems like they are running out of things to do. I hate the episodes where the characters sing and dance. Just time filler in my opinion.
Is there singing and dancing in the movie?
i'm new here (my first post yesterday: and i've noticed only one thing that i don't have in common with a few people here.. i'm breaking free of my beliefs after more than thirty years and i feel great.
i feel calm, free and in control.. i feel no anger, resentment or hate towards my so-called brothers and sisters or towards the fds or the organization.
i don't see the point, it doesn't help me any.
I am going through a divorce as a direct result of the wt.
I want to get on with my life and I want to stop the anger and resentment. However, until I can get over this hump I remain VERY angry and a lot resentful. More anger than resentment.
i can't help but have noticed that the us tv and film industry more than not portray phone conversations finishing without any 'goodbyes'.
someone will say, for example, 'see you at the mall' then put down the phone.. is this a reflection of the norm in us land or just filming priorities of time and money?.
thomas covenant.
As a general rule you will not hear people say goodbye on tv. I read an explaination once suggesting that the good-bye cuts into precious storytelling time.
The was an episode of Rosanna where the several of the O'Connor family ended their calls with "bite me."
I do not generally say goodbye at the end of a phone conversation. They know I am gone when they hear the click.