i have a few. are you looking for a specific outline?
JoinedPosts by NewYork44M
Any one have the Public Talk Outlines?
by jpcbs ini know this comes up from time to time.
i had the link for the reexamine site bookmarked but since it is now on perpetual maintanence, i can't acces them.. thank you .
Under What Circumstances Might a JW View One As An "Apostate"?
by minimus ini got a pm asking this question.
how would a jws radar go up if you were leaning toward questioning things or even showing information from the society's own publications that was damning toward them?
If you start the discussion with "Minimun says..." or "Blondie says...", they will shot you on sight.
Under What Circumstances Might a JW View One As An "Apostate"?
by minimus ini got a pm asking this question.
how would a jws radar go up if you were leaning toward questioning things or even showing information from the society's own publications that was damning toward them?
If you are presenting arguments that are typical of an apostate (i.e. NGO, 1914, generation, and etc.), you are toast.
If you are asking questions that suggest general confusion, the elders will dismiss you as just a dumb slave.
The Diary of an Armageddon Survivor
by reneeisorym inbrother thorn told brother.
i told him i didn't feel well.
i told ed thorn that.
Great story. I have seen this before, but never get tired of reading it.
Fiction or non-fiction you be the judge.
Elder for 30 years, lost privelages due to WT Education policy
by justhuman inthis is a really good one.
an elder who was serving for more than 30 years, faithfull to the organization at all means, has lost his privelage due to the wt education policy.
the reason was that he allowed his son to study at the university.
Loca congregations tend to intrepret the guidelines from the society differently. It very well may be that this elder was removed because he sent his kid to college. Same circumstances in another congregation, and the body may not do a thing.
crazy stories from dubland - MEPS
by karvel inour bookstudy conductor said that the chinese gov't wanted to buy meps for "millions" from the society.
anyone else ever heard this story?
or is this one region specific?.
There was a similar story about the Chinese government that was told at our CA. About a week later they made an anouncement at the Service meeting that the story was unsubstantiated and should not be repeated.
Describe Your Feelings When You KNEW It Wasn't The "Truth" After All
by minimus inwhen it finally registered that you did not really have the "truth" after all, what went thru your mind?
when things "clicked", what was your emotional state and what did you about it?.
I remember the exact moment, where I sat in the family room, and my exact feelings. In no particular order:
So scared I was shaking
Scared for me, scared for my family
very angry
So angry I was shaking
Angry at my family, the wt, and god.
Angry at the person on the internet who exposed the lies
so very very alone.
Calling all ELDERS
by The Oracle inif you are an elder who frequents this site, please let me know.. i am trying to connect (completely anonymously - your privacy is assured) with as many elders as i can.
i know that there are hundreds of elders in the same position as myself (have had our awakening and have come to realize that "the truth" is a sham).. i encourage you to continue to serve as an elder and for you to work together with other like minded elders as a collective force for true good.
there is much we can do from the inside to help the cause.. there are thousands and indeed millions of kind and honest hearted people whose only crime is that they have allowed themselves to be deceived and are still active jws.
I was an elder when I began my long-long journey away from the organization. At the time, I was in such an emotional turmoil that there was no way that I could fight any other battles besides my own personal demons. I was battling for my life and could not think of trying to save anyone else.
An elder who understand the truth about the truth is in an unbelievably powerful position. Good luck on your goal. I wish you the best.
Would you live your life differently, if you new what happens after death?
by passive suicide inso i had a thought today, that may spark some interesting conversation......
if you were able to die.....totally, and utterly dead.and see what there really is for your own eyes/soul after death......not what the bible says, not what your mom, dad, preacher, rabbi,faithful and discreet slave, conscience ...whatever says will happen....but what really happens......( who can say for sure they know by the way), and then somehow you were brought back,
would you live your life differently?
The hope for an afterlife is like receiving a very valuable gift and then getting mad because you want a bigger gift. My ex-sister-inlaw a diehard witness said once that she refuses to be happy now in this wicked world because she is waiting for the "real" life in god's new order.
I thought afterwards of her wasted life and inconsiderate behavior for the gift of life. If god had any balls, he would tell her to "go to hell." (no pun intended).
Life is a gift. If I was told for a certainty that this is it, there is nothing else, I would treat my life as a gift and be thankful that I am alive.
If I was told for a certainty that there was an afterlife, I would still treat this life as a gift and be thankful I was alive.
"Crystal Blue Persuasion" -- Is it really about the "Truth" Book?
by B_Deserter ini haven't been able to find a definite source online.
all my life i was taught that this song was about the blue "truth" book that was being used to bring people into the witnesses in the late 60's/early 70's.
now that i don't blindly accept whatever i've been told, i'm having my doubts.
I never heard about the connection. I sold a lot of the blue bombs in the late 60s and early 70s. Never related to the song