I guess I'm the one that's dazedandconfused. LOL
I thought you were new because I haven't seen the picture with your name before.
I have read your posts.
I just thought I would clear that up.
i want to report the most significant thing that ever happened to.
it is an event that i haven't been able to integrate into my.
I guess I'm the one that's dazedandconfused. LOL
I thought you were new because I haven't seen the picture with your name before.
I have read your posts.
I just thought I would clear that up.
i want to report the most significant thing that ever happened to.
it is an event that i haven't been able to integrate into my.
Hi DazedAndConfused,
I don't think I've read your posts before.
Welcome to the board.
The incident happened last year?
Could it have been in the winter?
The person who saw the thing did say it was a very dark object.
Possibly black.
And also that it was V shaped.
And like the thing you saw, it was also Huuuuugggeeeee!!!!!
I wonder if it was the same object.
i want to report the most significant thing that ever happened to.
it is an event that i haven't been able to integrate into my.
Here's a little story on this subject.
See what you think.
A person was driving a truck up in the state of Maine.
He was driving along the highway when he noticed something up ahead.
The thing he saw was above the road.
A very large thing. In fact he said it was huge.
It wasn't moving.
It was just floating there.
And to top it off, the thing did not make a sound.
Not a whisper.
He became curious,so he stopped his truck and got out to take a closer look at the thing.
As he was looking up at it, the thing started to move away slowly.
What do you all think he saw?
i want to report the most significant thing that ever happened to.
it is an event that i haven't been able to integrate into my.
Could they be the chariots of angels?
There are lots of sites on the web discussing ufos.
Some people swear that they have seen them.
I remember the story of a couple from New Hampshire from many years ago.
I believe their names were Betty and Barney Hill. (I could be mistaken.)
It made great news I guess.
In fact there is a book out about the incident.
They claimed to have been abducted by a ufo.
They were hypnotised and they told what occured to them.
They had alot of sceptics believing them.
There are many other stories about ufos from some very reliable people.
Could they all be wheather balloons?
Could they all be a figment of peoples imagination?
Or could it be that we as a Human Race wouldn't know how to handle the knowledge that there could be a far more advanced civilization out there?
The easiest way for people to handle the subject of ufos is to scoff at it.
To make fun of anyone that claims to have had some kind of experience with it.
And then we can also tie in the ufo phenomina (spl?) with the scriptures.
I think there are a few scriptures that sound like there could have been ufos involved.
What Focus said about the subject makes sense.
Can we really be that sure that there is no other life out there?
hello eveyone.
forgive me for just jumping in your threads without giving some information about myself.. my name is danni.
i am a law enforcement officer.
Thanks expat.
i hope that they will be treated with respect and shown some consideration!.
if someone doesn't believe their story then i don't believe they should cast doubt on the person or attack them as i doubt they have all the facts.. i am extremely dissappointed to think that someone could come to the forum for support and be shot down like this.
Hi Simon,
Of course you are right.
Anyone reaching out for help should be treated with compasion.
There is not one person on this board or anywhere else in the world for that matter who can say with certainty that they KNOW what is going on in a persons mind.
Let's face it.
This life we are living is filled with all kinds of stresses.
Some are caused by ourselves, while some are caused by others.
Everyone handles things differently.
A lot of how one handles troubles depends on how they were raised.
A lot depends on what kind of support structure one might have.
There are many variables that have an affect on a persons phsyce. (spl?)
Who of us is willing to step out on a limb and be responsible for one ending his/her life.
If someone needs help, whether we think they are pulling our leg or not, we should be more than happy to offer help.
Just my thoughts on the matter.
hello eveyone.
forgive me for just jumping in your threads without giving some information about myself.. my name is danni.
i am a law enforcement officer.
I posted that it used to be bad acording to the WTS, to be in law enforcement or any other goverment job.
Does anyone have the old teaching handy as well as any possible 'new light' on the subject?
" full of "shit.".
" it's at the beginning of a sentence and when you start a sentence it is proper to use a capitol letter.
....it will mean nothing so moan on this little sight oh watchtower u are so evil boooo hoooooo.
Hi Dave,
I thought it was very thoughtful of you to try to help Malcom out with the proper way to write insults and threats.
Now I hope Malcom is taking notes so that he might be able to continue with his vile comments in a proper way.
I personally will be looking forword to reading more of his comments to us evil apostates.
He hopefully will be able to make them using proper writing technique.
i've been reading posts to this forum for about four months, and i've been continually struck by the extraordinary number of forum members who consistently spell "anointed" incorrectly as "annointed.
" i estimate that only one time in four is this word spelled correctly in this forum, when it should be ten times in ten.. now, i would be the last to suggest that any of us should ever try to police the spelling of other posters, since what really matters is the message, not the spelling, but this is an extremely important word in jehovah land--or am i wrong about that?
probably no one will care very much if a current or former jw misspells most other words, but not spelling "anointed" correctly, given its extraordinary importance within the jehovah's witnesses' culture, would seem to be no more excusable than not spelling "jehovah" correctly.
Hi Joseph,
Thanks for the spelling lesson.
Will there be a quiz?
If so I'd better start studying.
Now let's see if I got it right.
Anounted. No that's not it.
Annoynted. Nope.
Unointed. Shucks I can't seem to get it.
Does this mean I flunked?
hello eveyone.
forgive me for just jumping in your threads without giving some information about myself.. my name is danni.
i am a law enforcement officer.
Hi Danni,
Welcome to the board.
Law enforcement? How long have you been on the force?
As far as you going to the meetings and becoming a JW,
if I remember right,years ago being in law enforcement or having any other job with the gov. was considered bad.
It was thought that the person with such a job was working for satans gov.
Now it's possible that there is "new light" on that matter.
Or in other words,the rulers of the WTS changed their minds.
You're right that individual JWs are not evil.
They are misguided.
However being misguided is no excuse for treating people badly if they screw up or decide that the WTS is not what they claim to be.
They are victoms. That is true.
But they are still accountible for their actions.
And I'm sure you being in law enforcement know all to well how people use their victomisation (is that a word?) to act in dispicable ways.
Stick around the board. You'll learn alot.
And as they say on Hill Street Blues, LET's BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!