They've dropped the iconic Watchtower sign from their heaquarters
Ah, they sold the building with the sign in Brooklyn.
That's why its gone dude.
the wtbts has finally decided to join the rest of us in the 21st century and has begun rebranding.
they've dropped the iconic watchtower sign from their heaquarters, and it's only a matter of time till they drop the now embarrassing watchtower name completely; a name synonymous with failure on the one hand and concentration camps on the other.. the organisation will soon be known solely as, bringing them right up-to-date with the web 2.0 revolution of 15 years ago, and making them the only company still to use a full web address as their main identifier, very forward-thinking of them.. it's inevitable that they'll gradually rebrand everything.
what methods do you think they'll go with?
They've dropped the iconic Watchtower sign from their heaquarters
Ah, they sold the building with the sign in Brooklyn.
That's why its gone dude.
(the following article is translated using google translate).
the building selected in "jehovah's witnesses" in st. petersburg will be given to scientistsdecember 26, 2017 publication time: 09:42. in a building selected from a banned organization in russia, "jehovah's witnesses", will soon be able to read scientific lectures.
WingCommander - I think you are right.
(the following article is translated using google translate).
the building selected in "jehovah's witnesses" in st. petersburg will be given to scientistsdecember 26, 2017 publication time: 09:42. in a building selected from a banned organization in russia, "jehovah's witnesses", will soon be able to read scientific lectures.
What part of my comment did 2 people not like?
I am curious.
WingCommader I agree 100%
Let's not forget this is a CULT enslaving people!!!!!!!
FYI they have been going after Scientology just as hard - and deservedly so.
moses spoke to the entire assembly deuteronomy 31:3, leviticus19:2 and exodus 16:9 no sound amplification, we must remember he was speaking to 2 million people.
solomon in 2 chronicles spoke to thousands maybe millions, so how the hell did folks a mile away need a sound system for 200 folks in a close building in the kh.... moses, solomon and others had a great set of vocal cords.....
The same way there shoes didnt wear out for 40 years:)
(the following article is translated using google translate).
the building selected in "jehovah's witnesses" in st. petersburg will be given to scientistsdecember 26, 2017 publication time: 09:42. in a building selected from a banned organization in russia, "jehovah's witnesses", will soon be able to read scientific lectures.
WingCommader I agree 100%
Let's not forget this is a CULT enslaving people!!!!!!!
FYI they have been going after Scientology just as hard - and deservedly so.
i was discussing with an elder the generation teaching and telling him when jesus christ says in matthew 24:34 “truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.” he was referring to the generation from the first century in 33 ad and these events that were to take place took place with the destruction of jerusalem in 70 ad.
now the elder tells me to go back to a few verses to from verses 29-33 which read: .
“immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened,+ and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.+ 30 then the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief,+ and they will see the son of man+ coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Maybe the Great Teacher wasn't so Great after all.
Seems like the most awesome Jehober and his Son have a hard time getting a clear message out?
Just saying...
i was baptized 30 years ago and have been in the faith for over 35 years.. our organization isn't perfect.
but i'm sick to death of seeing stereotypes about us.
we are not mindless automatons.
If you are sick of lies - I think you must really be sick of yourself.
If you told your elders any of these things you would be DFed on the spot dude:)
just wanted to wish all of you the best christmas / holiday / festivus, and a happy new year!only the second christmas i will be celebrating!.
Just wanted to wish all of you the best Christmas / Holiday / Festivus, and a happy New Year!
Only the second Christmas I will be celebrating!
hello brothers and sisters am new here , what is the website all about ?.
No Brothers and Sisters here.
I think you wandered away from the pack.
i think it is inevitable.
i don't worry about it but it just seems that the human race is going down a road that they can't make a turn off.. they are probing/discovering how the human mind works and produces intelligence down to the individual molecule.
now with the invention of the super quantum computer soon we will be able to build even better artificial intelligence greater than our own, so it will be easily able to out smart us because will we be a bunch of dumb apes first discovering how to make fire in it's eyes.. it will have it's own different agendas than us humans.
What Machine Learning Robots will really do (not take over the world) but take about 70% of all jobs.
That will be when the Sh#t will really hit the fan, and massive unemployment will be the order of the day.