I think it's all about eliminating Paper Trails.
Continuing to put all the Legal Burden on the COs and Elders.
"What an elder raped that girl? We at Warwick had nothing to do with that, talk to the CO Mr Judge."
boe 2016-01-15 re: new feature on jw.org for processing recommendations of elders and ministerial servants.
thanks ich3b!.
I think it's all about eliminating Paper Trails.
Continuing to put all the Legal Burden on the COs and Elders.
"What an elder raped that girl? We at Warwick had nothing to do with that, talk to the CO Mr Judge."
they say ignorance is bliss... well, i wish that god did not give adam free will.
i am ok to not have free will if it means i will live forever in perfect paradisiac conditions.it has been explained that free will is a gift from god.
they say 'who would want to live life like a robot?
I have free will not to jump into pits of molten lava. It is an easy choice for me to avoid doing that.
To bad adam and eve were so weak and ill prepared that they got fooled by a sock puppet and 46 words.
p.s. not that any of that happened:)
interesting in a new video on tv jw org "edward aljian: an important reminder", from 6 minutes onwards.
he asks a question about abraham: "couldn't jehovah have spared abraham a lot of grief by telling the promised offspring would be by sara?".
jehovah only disclosed this when ishmael was in his early teens.
well, i have been lurking on this site for several months and i recently decided to join as a member.
i have made several observations and would like to make a few comments.. first, i am perplexed by the attitude of many on this site that are either former or active (but apostate) jws.
they seem to have a strong hatred for the wts and also for rank and file jws.
The best and most honest phrase in the bible is when Pontius Pilate asked "What is Truth?"
"most british people think religion causes more harm than good according to a survey commissioned by the huffington post.
surprisingly, even among those who describe themselves as “very religious” 20 percent say that religion is harmful to society.
for that we can probably thank the internet, which broadcasts everything from isis beheadings, to stories about catholic hospitals denying care to miscarrying women, to lists of wild and weird religious beliefs, to articles about psychological harms from bible-believing christianity.".
Only 6 is a very abbreviated list:)
it's amazing how the expression "the truth" has become such an ingrained term used by witnesses.. "we have 'the truth'".
"is he 'in the truth'?".
most here have found out so many facts about the organisation, and felt the effects of being "gut-punched" as we realised these facts.. so how do you feel about the expression "the truth" now?.
Like everyone - that it's a LIE!
By the way - isn't truth always truth? If it changes every 3rd tuesday, now can it be truth?
And if today is "truth" what was it yesterday?
It is also SO manipulative! I even have to keep my self from using that word when talking about it.
maybe it is just me but when i read this paragraph all i could do is shake my head and wonder how i used to buy into this crap and how people don't wonder what the hell the writers are thinking'.
"imagine what life would be like if god did not have love for mankind.
we merely have to look at the awful history of this world with its human rulerships under its unloving and wrathful god, satan the devil.
i have been thinking, it is a lonely place in the real world knowing ttatt but if we have a phrase we can unite, support and help each other.
the question we will ask is:.
what's your favorite bible verse?
something else i noticed in the awake 2016.2 magazine: very interesting that on page 6 and 7 "life's big questions" they basically pose two:1. science ... cannot define sexual morality.2.
science ... cannot make moral decisions on the embryo’s right to life.but actually, science can: it's called ethics, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ethics.
kant introduced some interesting concepts how to think about what should be morally right, see deontology.more interesting though for me here is why these two?
I never understood why God was so concerned with the location of my Penis?