Publishers spend thousands of hrs and get get someone down the street to come to 1 meeting - Yes handing out flyers (by the way cultish looking ones) indiscriminately is going to convince someone to drive an Hr or more to go to some Convention with people they usually hide from?
Can there be a more colossal waste of time?
Can there be a more disrespectful way to waste hrs of people's lives doing this?
If you got a 3% success rate (good rate for a business mailer) then you could justify it maybe.
But NO ONE goes to conventions because of a crap flyer. NO ONE goes to meetings cus they missed out on that but they will see what its about locally.
It's not a Joke - its a horrible and well thought out way to control the lives of JWs.
JWs pay the society with hrs of there life, then must report that time, and then are pressured to do more.