I'm embarrassed to say that I gave the Special Talk in 2011 by the title of that Awake "is it later than you think"
I guess it could have been a lot shorter.
Is it later than you think? No.
1972 : we started studying with the jehovah's witnesses when my uncle became an elder and put fear into our family that armageddon was close.
1974 : my mom, my brother and i were all baptized after all the convention talks and watchtower magazine articles that 1975 would likely end this system of things.
1999 : being told that the year 2000 was going to mark the 6 thousand years of mans existence and that the 1000 year kingdom in the new paradisewould come in the year 2000.
back again!.
so as i'm still pimo and living under my parent's roof, how can i get out of service?
cause i really don't want to go and i feel dirty just knowing i could be influencing someone into this garbage..
1972 : we started studying with the jehovah's witnesses when my uncle became an elder and put fear into our family that armageddon was close.
1974 : my mom, my brother and i were all baptized after all the convention talks and watchtower magazine articles that 1975 would likely end this system of things.
1999 : being told that the year 2000 was going to mark the 6 thousand years of mans existence and that the 1000 year kingdom in the new paradisewould come in the year 2000.
No no EverApostate - its the day AFTER Tuesday - so your good:)
P.S. someone buy Tony a dictionary!
synonyms: | impending, close (at hand), near, (fast) approaching, coming, forthcoming, on the way, in the offing, in the pipeline, on the horizon, in the air, just around the corner, coming down the pike, expected, anticipated, brewing, looming, threatening, menacing; informalin the cards "a ceasefire was imminent" |
under roman rule, which covered a large part of the civilized world around the mediterranean, to be a trouble maker or a magician or an insurrectionist was a capital offence.. to live back then in a civilised society was a boon.
naturally for the sake of law and order certain compliances had to be met to as part of the social bargain to be a roman citizen.
among them were included the requirement to respect the “genius” or spirit of the emperor, not to be an atheist and to respect the roman gods.
1972 : we started studying with the jehovah's witnesses when my uncle became an elder and put fear into our family that armageddon was close.
1974 : my mom, my brother and i were all baptized after all the convention talks and watchtower magazine articles that 1975 would likely end this system of things.
1999 : being told that the year 2000 was going to mark the 6 thousand years of mans existence and that the 1000 year kingdom in the new paradisewould come in the year 2000.
living in new england means having lots of snow and cold.
elders were very reluctant to cancel or reschedule a meeting due to the weather.
i lived 3 towns away from the kingdom hall and if it was icy and treacherous my vote would always be to cancel the meeting....and forget about rescheduling!.
today the fcc voted against internet neutrality..
Having been in the industry for more than 20 years - Yes this is very bad for the average person and for small to midsized companies, and to any new innovation.
Also if you think the effects happen overnight, you are not understanding the situation at all.
And to be clear, the FCC didn't rule against it - the Trump Appointed FCC chair who was put in place to specifically do this pushed it over the falls.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
its great to see new subject matter being injected into the room of late and would be good to see others contribute by opening new threads on their favorite topics.heres a few examples.9/11.
atom bombs are they real?
with christmas gorby had a good talk with his jw father about “time tends to fly” and how everything changes.. he concluded: “if our grandparents would visit the kingdom hall now, they would headshaking left the building and never returned.”.
it says something, does it?.