@ Cantleave,
I have no problem with Atheists who respect other peoples beliefs. I can understand why many become Athiest. I was kicked off a forum by Athiests about a year ago or so. I have never kicked anyone off our forum that I can recall. Our forum is not a open free for all anything goes type forum. It is not a place where we allow the promotion of Athiesm to prevail as it does in many forums. Truth is... lately I have not been on our forum much or blogged in a while. I have a special fondness for all who were JW's like myself, including Athiests. I believe God has more respect for Athiests than he does religious hypocrites.
Like most of us, I am still working out what I believe to be true. I have been trying to shed some of my life long religious hypocrisy. I lean twords universal salvation and I believe the Bible supports that. I do not believe the Bible is a infalable book that God has written. I prefer the words in RED by Christ himself. Christ brought a different message, love your enemies etc, etc, etc... I sometimes have a problem with things Paul said that seam to contradict Jesus. Jesus said to have no leader except me. For me, that leaves ALL men out. So far, I have no problem with anything Jesus said or did. I don't think their could be a more perfect example of love than what Christ showed. Calling him names... calling God names and promoting Satan is not something I care to entertain. If it is in my power, it will not happen in my home or on a forum I run. I think people should be able to respect that. I have only been out of the JW's for about 3 years. I have made mistakes on other forums where I was rude in return to Athiests and I did apologise for that a long time ago.