ok, you're out of the cult, that's great, it's the best thing you ever did.
but i have a question for all the ex-jw's......now that you're out, do you still believe in god?
do you practice a different religion?
When I left, I still believed they were God's organziation. I saw things I questioned in my heart but was just so naive about the world.
I had always believed in God before studying, then they (JW) were all I ever knew. Even when I left I would not have called myself an "Apostate". I didn't say anything negative about them-I just avoided them as much as possible and tried to just live my life-but still always in the back of my head there was all that doctrine I'd been taught! WHen I met my husband, the son of a Baptist Minister, we had heated debates about both of our beliefs. Even then I didn't want to believe there could be anything terribly wrong with the JW's.
Then, one day, my husband (then boyfriend of 5 months) just shared about Jesus, who He was and what He was all about, it was the turning point for me. I became a "born-again" Christian, but it was just the beginning of my journey. I still had many doubts about what a Christian was all about versus a JW.
I can still remember feeling so awkward if I even looked at anything that cast a bad light on JW's. The first time I saw a video about them, I can recall my heart racing and that anxious feeling I was engaging in something terribly wrong, but it definetely opened my eyes up! Even now, 16 years later I am learning more and more about them thanks to the internet.
So, yes, I still believe in God, I don't think any one Christian faith has the "only" true religion. I am a Baptist by name. I believe as long as you admit that you are a sinner, believe & confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you are saved. Period.
((((Lyin Eyes))))
My heart goes out to you-I hope that you find the answers to your questions. I hope that you have peace. If you ever need someone to talk to just email me!
i have read a number of posts in the past few weeks from people who felt they had a heavenly hope and struggled with the issue "how do i handle the memorial" or "what will my friends think".. this interests me because i struggled with quite the opposite.
i always believed i was of the earthly class and that is where my hope always was.. when i started going to a new church last year and hearing about a heavenly hope i really struggled with this.
i couldn't imagine myself going to heaven - even if for a short time until the earth is made new.
I want to change my response to yours! Soooo-
"What he (Justin) said!"
my favorite critters are sea turtles,.
never squat with yer spurs on
Okay, I love animals-almost any kind! I'm partial to dogs, cats, rabbits and horses- oh and my hubby!
But, today, I was driving to Morgantown, WV and the hills were alive with the most beautiful shades of green! Today I really love green-it was just so alive for me!
((((Seaken)))) So sorry to hear about your Mom.
((((Billygoat, flower, LDH))))
I'm sorry that you don't have that bond with your Mom. It must hurt deeply at times. I was fortunate that when I left, Mom did also-just biggsy and one of my other brothers remained ("inactive" at the time). My Dad was never a JW and neither was my youngest brother.
By the time I had married, Biggs and the other bro' were very active-it was a difficult situation, to say the least. Biggs always tried his best to keep the relationship open, but the other one, well it is sad, you all know.
Thank you LDH and Alan for the lyrics!! They sure do pull at the heart-strings, don't they?
Thanks Lilacs!
Alan F-
Do you recall any more of the lyrics to that song?
Thanks for the encouragement!
i have read a number of posts in the past few weeks from people who felt they had a heavenly hope and struggled with the issue "how do i handle the memorial" or "what will my friends think".. this interests me because i struggled with quite the opposite.
i always believed i was of the earthly class and that is where my hope always was.. when i started going to a new church last year and hearing about a heavenly hope i really struggled with this.
i couldn't imagine myself going to heaven - even if for a short time until the earth is made new.
I don't know if I struggle with it so much as I can't even fathom what Heaven will be like-you know how magnificent and awesome it will be! At first, I guess I did struggle with it but from what I have learned we will one day have the best of both worlds.
Have you heard the song "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me? It is awesome-at least IMHO- I think so!
If that is the song by Patty Loveless-I have heard it-in fact it was just out around the time of my Mom's death, I believe! I can remember listening to it on the way back home to her Service and crying uncontrollably at how timely it was. It still chokes me up when I hear it! (In a good way) If you find the words that would be great!
Yeah for me!!!! I'm finally a Junior Member!