I agree with Darthweef. But I'll also add, that there have been gay kids in Boy Scouts since the inception of Boy Scouts, so really nothing is changing in that respect, they just won't have to hide their sexual orientation if they are mature enough to be sexually aware. No doubt throughout the history of the Boy Scouts a few of the gay teens may have felt attracted to some of their fellow members. However, we've rarely heard of any problems or incidents involving gay boys forcing themselves onto the others. Most boys appreciate that the goal of the Boy Scouts is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through outdoor activities, educational programs and career-oriented programs. It's not Match.com. Remember, nowadays most young people already accept their gay peers. It's the older people - Scout leaders, parents, politicians, religious zealots - who seem to have a problem with it.
JoinedPosts by matt2414
Delicate subject "Gay youths in the Boy Scouts.
by jam infirst of all i,m not against gays, i have made a 180 degree.
turn on my view on homosexual.
i thought my son was gay and.
Homosexuality is an abomination!
by Fernando inmoralism,.
which as ray franz said about legalism, also seems to lead to a "morass of inconsistencies".. ray seemingly even went as far as describing "legalism" (or by extension moralism) as apostasy or "a denial of christian faith" (g79 6/8 pp.
an amusing look at the levitical law.. (from bible house of grace).
There are more straight men having same-sex intercourse than gay men.
This is an open secret that most straight people don't realize, or refuse to acknowledge. According to researchers, only about 3.0%-3.5% of men are actually gay. Yet 10% of straight men have had or continue to have same-sex relations. And of that 10%, 70% are married to women. This is crucial because gay men used to be exclusively targeted with ads, warning them to practice safe sex. Now, according to WebMD (http://www.webmd.com/sex/news/20060918/many-straight-men-have-gay-sex), proponents of safe sex realize that all men should be targeted with that message.
What's my point? Well, was God targeting gay men or straight men in Leviticus, when he warned men about "lying with a man, as you would a woman"? Would that statement even make sense to a gay man?
It's obvious that every law and regulation in Leviticus was tied to true and false worship. Lots of Pagan worship of that time involved sex, including same-sex relations. So was God referring to just homosexuality or to the practices of straight men and women having same-sex relations to appease the Pagan gods? If God was referring to only homosexuality, why didn't he just say so? He is God, isn't he? It would certainly make more sense for his worshippers throughout the ages who would read his words later. Interestingly, no prophet, not even Jesus, referred to this law later as having to do with homosexuality. Also, it would be completely out of place if it were just targeting homosexuality, because all the verses surrounding it had to do with paganism. This explains why most Christians do the things that God condemns in Leviticus with a clean conscience, because they aren't doing them to worship some Pagan diety who no longer exists and is long forgotten.
Homosexuality is an abomination!
by Fernando inmoralism,.
which as ray franz said about legalism, also seems to lead to a "morass of inconsistencies".. ray seemingly even went as far as describing "legalism" (or by extension moralism) as apostasy or "a denial of christian faith" (g79 6/8 pp.
an amusing look at the levitical law.. (from bible house of grace).
Why was bestiality such a big deal that they had to mention it in the bible so many times.
Giordano: Well, first of all, bestiality is in no way related to homosexuality, any more than it's connected to heterosexuality. Bestiality doesn't involve consenting adults and would be considered by most people as cruelty to animals.
But you're right, the Bible mentions bestiality in the Torah, namely, Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Why did God see the need to warn against it at all? It's not likely any of the Israelites were committing bestiality, so why was it mentioned? There's a reason for it and all the other restrictions mentioned in these Bible books. People who don't understand the reason, however, shouldn't be using these verses to apply to people today. If Jesus and the apostles didn't use these OT verses to apply in the first century -- they would certainly have more insight on the purpose behind these verses than we would -- who are we to take them and start beating people over the head with them?
As the apostle wrote at 2 Peter 3:16: "[Paul's] letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
Homosexuality is an abomination!
by Fernando inmoralism,.
which as ray franz said about legalism, also seems to lead to a "morass of inconsistencies".. ray seemingly even went as far as describing "legalism" (or by extension moralism) as apostasy or "a denial of christian faith" (g79 6/8 pp.
an amusing look at the levitical law.. (from bible house of grace).
Fernando, great post! Recent news events here in the U.S. have kept the controvesy brewing.
My take: If a person cannot explain why the laws in Leviticus were originally given, then they are certainly in no position to be able to tell people how they are to be applied today. The Levites knew; the nation of Israel knew. But few people today can explain them in detail.
I also wonder, if God is antigay and the nation of Israel was a nation of straight people, why would he have to warn the men against lying down with other men as they would a woman? What would move a straight man to do that? Dr. Laura? I'm waiting for your answer.
After hearing ESPN's Chris Broussard rant against gays, I'm wondering if he's Jehovah's Witness
by matt2414 inafter the nba's jason collins announced yesterday that he is gay, notice broussard's comments:.
im a christian.
i dont agree with homosexuality.
dazed but not confused: I have so many questions for your business partner. For example, where does he get his information? Why does he make God out to be such an evil overlord, eager to destroy human life? Why would God create homosexuals, and then turn around and destroy them? And before he says God didn't create homosexuals, then why is there so much homosexuality among the animal life? Is that a lifestyle choice for the animals? And why would God destroy the entire USA just because about 3 percent of the population is gay? Why doesn't your partner have more of the compassion of Abraham, who pleaded with God not to destroy Sodom and the surrounding cities if there were just 10 righteous people among them? Why does he almost celebrate such carnage? How does he feel about parents who murder their children because they somehow don't meet their standards? If that's an abomination, why is it OK when God does it?
Oh, and one more question, why does his God deserve anyone's worship?
After hearing ESPN's Chris Broussard rant against gays, I'm wondering if he's Jehovah's Witness
by matt2414 inafter the nba's jason collins announced yesterday that he is gay, notice broussard's comments:.
im a christian.
i dont agree with homosexuality.
Theocratic Sedition: You're so right that many people who appoint themselves as spokespeople for the fundamentalist cause never mention major sins that heterosexuals commit. They always zoom in on homosexuality as if it were a sin, needing to be cured or repented from such as adultery and fornication. It makes me wonder if they do this because they themselves are guilty of those sins, or perhaps they are trying to throw people off the scent of their homosexual orientation.
After hearing ESPN's Chris Broussard rant against gays, I'm wondering if he's Jehovah's Witness
by matt2414 inafter the nba's jason collins announced yesterday that he is gay, notice broussard's comments:.
im a christian.
i dont agree with homosexuality.
Well the Witnesses pride themselves on being unique, but in reality, they are not much different than all the other fundamentalist churches of what they call "Christendom," whom they often criticize and accuse of being doomed to destruction. Having talked and worked with other fundamentalists, I find the terminology and "ownership" of the Christian faith nearly identical to the Witnesses. The Witnesses may believe they are a Christ-like religion with all their pretentious "love bombing," but they reveal their true colors when they spew their contempt and hatred toward people who don't share their beliefs or sexual orientation.
After hearing ESPN's Chris Broussard rant against gays, I'm wondering if he's Jehovah's Witness
by matt2414 inafter the nba's jason collins announced yesterday that he is gay, notice broussard's comments:.
im a christian.
i dont agree with homosexuality.
After the NBA's Jason Collins announced yesterday that he is gay, notice Broussard's comments:
“I’m a Christian. I don’t agree with homosexuality. I think it’s a sin, as I think all sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman is. ... Personally, I don’t believe that you can live an openly homosexual lifestyle or an openly premarital sex between heterosexuals, if you’re openly living that type of lifestyle, then the Bible says you know them by their fruits, it says that’s a sin. If you’re openly living in unrepentant sin, whatever it may be, not just homosexuality, adultery, fornication, premarital sex between heterosexuals, whatever it may be, I believe that’s walking in open rebellion to God and to Jesus Christ. I would not characterize that person as a Christian because I do not think the Bible would characterize them as a Christian."
Is it me, o r does his vitriol sound eerily similar to the Witnesses? Those words could have been read directly from the Watchtower. And like the Watchtower, it is void of any scriptural support for any of it.
He looks down his nose at others who are different from him, fooling himself into thinking that he is superior to others because he's a "Christian," just like the Witnesses do. Unfortunately for them, the first true Christian - Christ - always raised up those around him, such as tax collectors, prostitutes, lepers, women, the poor and downtrodden, even the criminals who were hanging next to him at his death. Why don't the Witnesses and other so-called Christians act more like Christ?
The Governing Body fits perfectly the Evil Slave of Matthew 24:48
by matt2414 in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><!
48but suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, my master is staying away a long time,.
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48 “But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, ‘My master is staying away a long time,’”
How has the wicked Governing Body said “my master is staying away a long time”? By repeatedly declaring that the end will come soon, even though years, decades and now over a century have passed with no end in sight. When 1914 failed to come true, then it moved the date to 1925, then 1932, 1935, 1975, 1986, among other dates. In 1918, “Judge” Rutherford gave the talk, “Millions Now Living Will Never Die.” But by 1997, the Watchtower said that view was merely “over optimism.” Its “generation that will not pass away until all these things have occurred” doctrine has repeatedly been changed as the generation who saw the events of 1914 has completely vanished from the face of the earth.
“ 49 … and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards”
How does the Governing Body beat its fellow slaves? By disfellowshipping anyone who cannot stomach the poisoned “food” it dispenses. It verbally abuses and ostracizes anyone who refuses to go along with its twisted, self-serving teachings. Instead of serving food to others, it gluttonously eats, getting fat on the valuable material things of those who look to it for spiritual sustenance. And instead of clear thinking, it displays signs of drunkenness with it delusional teachings and freedom-robbing mandates.
50 The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of.
The Governing Body or as it refers to itself, “the faithful and discreet slave,” has made it abundantly clear for the past one hundred years that it does not know the day or hour of the Lord’s return. In fact, the Governing Body is the last place anyone should turn to learn about God and his word the Bible.
Doesn't Matt. 24:45-47 prove that the Governing Body is NOT the "faithful and discreet slave"?
by matt2414 in"the timely spiritual food we receive is proof that jesus, the head of the congregation, is keeping his promise to feed us.
when giving the sign of his presence, jesus said that he would use the faithful and discreet slave to give food at the proper time to his domestics.
[1] (read matthew 24:45-47.
"The timely spiritual food we receive is proof that Jesus, the Head of the congregation, is keeping his promise to feed us. Through whom is he doing so? When giving the sign of his presence, Jesus said that he would use “the faithful and discreet slave” to give “food at the proper time” to his domestics.[1] (Read Matthew 24:45-47.) That faithful slave is the channel through which Jesus is feeding his true followers in this time of the end. -- WT July 15, 2013, page 20, par. 2
The July 15 Watchtower says the "faithful and discreet slave" provides "timely spiritual food." But the same Watchtower admits that the Governing Body has been dispensing much misinformation about the various aspects of the Matthew 24 prophesy since the early 1900s. So doesn't this really prove that the Governing Body is NOT the faithful and discreet slave because it has provided so much spiritual garbage throughout much of the 20th century until now, including this Watchtower? Didn't they even encourage disfellowshipping anyone who disagreed with such lies? Since they have been declaring we are living in the "time of the end" for over a hundred years, wouldn't that have been the "proper time" to have been providing God's people nourishing spiritual food?
It boggles my mind how the GB can twist the scriptures to make it look like they are God's representatives after all the Satan-inspired drivel they've been spewing for so long.