mP: where is there any mention of homosexuality in Romans 1:26-27? I just read it again for the umpteenth time and I don't see it. As I mentioned above, gays and heterosexuals view this verse from two different perspectives. For example, gays know absolutely that homosexuality is not a choice. If sexuality is a choice for gays then it must be a choice for straights. But it isn't a choice for straights is it? Now it's true there are some who are bisexual and can go either way, and there are confused individuals who haven't determined what they are. But for genuine gays and straights there is no choice.
With that in mind, consider what Romans 1:26-27 says again. It says that women and men in that congregation ignored their natural sexuality and began having same-sex relations. In other words, Paul wasn't speaking about homosexuals, rather HETEROSEXUALS. Wow! Understanding this verse this way changes everything. But wait, what would cause heterosexuals to engage in same-sex orgies? It's right there in the context. Paul was writing about those who left the worship of God for the worship of idols. (see verses 23 and 25.) Same-sex acts in idol worship was not uncommon among some in the realm of the Roman Empire, which had swept up people of various backgrounds and Pagan persuasions as it extended its reach while conquering other lands.
This is the strongest "proof" some religionists have for their anti gay rhetoric, and yet when you realize it has nothing to do with homosexuals, nothing in the scriptures remain to uphold such hate and intolerance. Unlike some who say homosexuality is the biggest sin in the Bible, I see the worst sin as idolatry. What do you think? :)