Yes,I very much believe we are a product of Extra terrestial design. The Elohim(Heb) are actually the Elder Gods of Mesopotamian Mythology. Anu, Enlil and Enki. Gen 1:26 states "Let US make man in our image and according OUR likeness". Plural(US) means more than one god. The human embryo is actually 'Lizard like' in the womb. Also it is fundamentally reptillian in design. The male penis is 'snake like' and so is the 'sperm'. We are birthed in a watery abyss called 'the womb' which means 'beginning'. I believe the Watchtower Society is actually run by reptillian agents. Hence an 'Alien controlled' Multinational religious Body which uses Mind control techniques, as Aliens are so often indulging in.
Eisenhower the US president during the war II had his parents in the Witnesses for some 40 or so years. His father being an Elder. They knew C.T. Russell personally. So the Watchtower society was in direct influencial contact with Eisenhower and possibly involved with an Alien agenda. I bet you researchers dont know about this one.
He( Eisenhower) also made a truce with the Greys in 1952, based on some UFO books. See the Book 'Matrix 2'(1990) printed in the USA as a book on detailed ET info and Eisenhower being linked. There seems to be 'a circumstantial link' between the Watchtower society and Aliens. I posed this idea to Ray Franz Ex-Governing body in a letter some years ago and got no reply. He may have known something we don't. As a result, I ask the following question for the Watchtower society. What doctrinal policy does the Watchtower have regarding the alien agenda for Christ's Ransom? Or, Where does Christ's Ramsom fit into the Alien agenda. (NIMROD)