Nimrod was a free thinker with radical ideas; so this subject should atract some responses.
JoinedPosts by Nimrod
Where does the Ransom fit into the Alien agenda?
by Nimrod indoes christ's ramsom cater for extraterestials?
during his three days death he visited the spirits in prison who came to earth during noah's day, as in jude 1. the word angel is an old english word for 'angle' which means 'the keepers of the angles' and are also extra-terrestials, hence aliens.
in the bible book of genesis 11:7 god said "let 'us go down' to confuse their languages".
If you have an axe to grind against Jehovah!
by Nimrod ini am a full blown practising black satanic magician and ex-jw who is out to crush jehovah's empire and bring it to its knees.
i am seeking similar like minded persons for the gathering together of a magical order of the darkest kind.
respond only if you dare.
Well I encourage you all on this site to give consideration to the rebellion of Nimrods free thinking ideas.(Nimrod)
Nimrod - the original freethinker?
by Seeker4 inin an earlier discussion on this board about whether the nwt mistranslated the verse in genesis about nimrod being "a might hunter in opposition to jehovah," there was some really interesting research material presented.
as i read it i began to realize that there seems to be a central reason why nimrod has been presented as one of the truly evil men of human history.. the witnesses emphasize that he was the one who started war, becoming a killer and tyrant.
but in one of the quotes, there is a more likely reason for nimrod being vilified and demonized.
It's good to see you are getting the message about Nimrod. Yes a ruthless and unique Pagan of his time.
You may like to look at some of the freethinking subjects I have posted on threads within this site that being about activating a Magical Order to destroy the Watchtower Society.(Nimrod)Ps: This message has been posted from the computer of Refiner's Fire.
Why radiation from space is effecting this board.
by Mindchild inof course none of you are going to believe this is the cause of all the sudden activity on the board tonight, but regardless i'm going to post it anyway.
as having done research work into the effects of geomagnetic pulsations on the human brain in motivational research (as well as many other scientists) i know that whenever there is a rapid increase in the solar wind speed, it is a strong indication of world wide geomagnetic activity happening.
what happens in turn is that your brain, the outer layers or cerebral cortex, becomes more easily stimulated.
Yes I tyotally agree the claims you are making are not that way out. I know from Radio transmissions ( as I am an Electronics guy whom has an Amature Radio experience that Solar winds do effect Ionospheric signal responsed and personality. Solar flares and sunspots do the very same thing. The reaction is due to Ultraviolet rays hitting the upper atmosphere and creating an Ionization feild around the Earth.
We can also quite seriously say that it is a 'sign of the times' in that aurguments will break out as a last days bible predictions state. We are now entering the age of aquarius and the stellar movments are alos creating shifts in other areas like the Van Allen belt and the Elnino effect. Just as the moon effects tides and peoples personalities [like women have mood swings during the monthly cycles, which are set about by the moon changes]; so too the geomagnetic and solar wind cycles are changeing to suit the Stellar changes in our universe.
(Nimrod) -
Where does the Ransom fit into the Alien agenda?
by Nimrod indoes christ's ramsom cater for extraterestials?
during his three days death he visited the spirits in prison who came to earth during noah's day, as in jude 1. the word angel is an old english word for 'angle' which means 'the keepers of the angles' and are also extra-terrestials, hence aliens.
in the bible book of genesis 11:7 god said "let 'us go down' to confuse their languages".
Quote: To the 'mindless twurps' who can't deal with such radical ideas as this subject poses; are so often doomed to their own ignorance. (Kimbal Summers)
If you have an axe to grind against Jehovah!
by Nimrod ini am a full blown practising black satanic magician and ex-jw who is out to crush jehovah's empire and bring it to its knees.
i am seeking similar like minded persons for the gathering together of a magical order of the darkest kind.
respond only if you dare.
To all you who have made a reply;
For a start, I'm not a traditional satanist as you seem to believe. But as many don't fully understand where I'm comming from ( and I don't expect all will) then naturally you will take things as you have. I invite any and all to question me about anything you like. I have no problem to you throwing shit at me as I can take heaps of it.
By the way This poster is not a joke its for real.If your seriously interested in knowing more about setting up a magickal order and really want to pursue the issue then please by all means email me at [email protected]
I do feel sorry for the uninformed minds who can't see the big picture. I only want GENUINE AND SERIOUS students in the Occult. If you live in Australia then even Better but not essential.I know most of you seem to think I'm crazy and possibly a troll but over such a bulletin board as this, its hard to prove my credentials.
I was a Jw for some Thirty years and Was Df in 1989. I have vowed the society will fall and I only need about three persons to operate within 'the Order'I am proposing. The traditional ways of attacking the Society don't work but this method is worth a try as its far different to what anyone else has done. So don't condemn it until you've tried it yourself. Black arts do work, but you have to know how to correctly apply the techniques. As for the Society being of Satan; that is all subject to ones point of view. I personally believe it is Controlled By Jehovah, but Jehavah is not the supreme being; but rather a renegade god whom had it in for Marduk and many other deities. These deities whom I believe are real, but of a different vibration to us; are requiriing a physical group to operate through to acheive the goal I am suggesting to you.
If I havent answered your specific questions, then I apologize and will do so. If you email me specifically as I can explain in better terms on an individual level. If what I am offering is not 'your cup of tea' then your free to refrain and go your own way. ( Nimrod - the name used as a symbol of What his reputation was about "A mighty Hunter in opposition to Jehovah"). -
If you have an axe to grind against Jehovah!
by Nimrod ini am a full blown practising black satanic magician and ex-jw who is out to crush jehovah's empire and bring it to its knees.
i am seeking similar like minded persons for the gathering together of a magical order of the darkest kind.
respond only if you dare.
The misunderstanding between us is in your view of The "light" and the "dark".
The Watchtower is of the "light", it is of the "solar" forces.
But the Solar forces are not friendly towards humanity. They are soul suckers, led by a great "Solar" god. Yahweh.
This world, after Aeons of control by Solar religious forces, views the "dark' as a bad thing. A thing of "evil".This is a result of massive propaganda against the "dark".From my position, the dark is not a bad thing. It is a part of the natural order of things. A far more desirable aspect than the light/ Solar.
I believe the Watchtower is an instrument of the Biblical God.
I totally reject this god as an alien enemy of all that is desirable in humanity.
If you believe this Bible god is "good" look at the fruits that are produced within the churches that worship him. Rotten fruit.
As the Ex Jehovahs Witnesses on this board will attest. -
If you have an axe to grind against Jehovah!
by Nimrod ini am a full blown practising black satanic magician and ex-jw who is out to crush jehovah's empire and bring it to its knees.
i am seeking similar like minded persons for the gathering together of a magical order of the darkest kind.
respond only if you dare.
You Know;
Satan lives within me. I am he himself the annointed one.
It is better to Rule in Hell, than to serve in Heaven.
Why do you wish to question me, what is your desire that I may gratify.? (Nimrod)
Actually, You Know, I sense that you are drawn to this belief that I hold. I think you are only a small step from the Abyss yourself.
Step over brother. It is GLORIOUS down here.(Nimrod) -
Where does the Ransom fit into the Alien agenda?
by Nimrod indoes christ's ramsom cater for extraterestials?
during his three days death he visited the spirits in prison who came to earth during noah's day, as in jude 1. the word angel is an old english word for 'angle' which means 'the keepers of the angles' and are also extra-terrestials, hence aliens.
in the bible book of genesis 11:7 god said "let 'us go down' to confuse their languages".
Nimrod, you are also full of poop
Miss Logical.Now weve only just met. Im a new person on the board, expressing an opinion, and you hurl vitreolic, nasty insults at me. Is that nice? I ask you. Is that any way to welcome a person?
Very disappointing behaviour.
Miss Palmcrazy."The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you."
- Kim SummersYou, yourself did say it.
I wonder though? How mnuch research have you yourself done on ANY subject?Let alone the one I express opinions on. -
Created by Aliens?
by 2SYN inhehe, i knew that thread topic would get me lots & lots of hits!
ok, here's the situation: my dear friend refuses to be convinced that we were not created by aliens (or some higher form of life, apparently outside the universe) about 8,000 or so years ago.
here are the arguments i have presented to him and what he said.
I worked in the Biochemistry Department at Monash University (Victoria Australia) for some 10 years. I am not an academic, but a genuine researcher. As for your "criticism" do your historical Homework on the society. I recall a couple of references some years ago in "Jehovah's witnesses and the Masons" about such a reference to Eisenhowers parents being witnesses. The Mother was I believe one of the annointed and father was an Elder. I vaguely remember Marley Coles Book 'Jehovahs Witnesses' also made a comment about the same. Plus some personal letters I have heard about from similar witnesses within the Society. Whether he was an elder was not so much the issue but rather that as witnesses this makes a circumstantial link between the Society and also to the President and hence The Greys( Aliens).
This by the way is not proven but very open to further research. (Nimrod)