JoinedTopics Started by bikerchic002
Better hope there is a God!
by Nambo inand he comes pretty soon, else we are up a certain creek.
as i cannot copy and paste, you will have to google, fukushima hanging by a thread, then click on the link from great picture of 460 tons of nucleur fuel atop a building that you darent even lean against..
I gotta RANT for a minute( MIL blues)
by thecrushed init's only been a month or so sense i fully awoke to the fact that my whole family for 3 generations has been fully entrenched in a cult.
i went threw terrible drug addiction like withdraws, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts etc etc etc.
for about a week i could barely sleep and then another all i wanted to do is sleep.
My son was murdered today
by truman ini have been on this site daily, almost from its beginning, since i left the jws in 2001, but i have been more of a reader than a poster, as you can see from my post count.
i know few here know me, although i know many of you through reading your posts.
maybe it is not right to ask for support, when i generally stay quietly in the background of this forum, but i want only to speak a human misery of the deepest kind.
Been there, done that......
by bikerchic002 the crumby t-shirt to prove it!.
i simply don't care on bit about all the jw stuff.
i am however on a trek to see what this life is all about, my life.
Without God, Do Humans Have More Intrinsic Value Than Animals?
by leavingwt in.
if there is no god (however defined), do humans have more intrinsic value than animals?
feel free to offer brief or complex responses.
Has Anyone Been Present When a Dissident Spoke in KH?
by Band on the Run ini know some dissatisified members have planned to "throw caution to the wind" when they exit and break the news as a stunning revelation of lies.
some of my funniest memories were of teachers and others terminated but since they had to finish their contract, they decided to share their insights and horrors.
in normal life, there is a certain allowance made under the circumstances.
If you don't understand what "accretion" is---how can you understand Bible?
by Terry inmorality, in order to be anything, cannot be everything.. it cannot be both good and bad.
a standard must be definitive.
borders and boundries define exactly where is is.. what is the bible?.
Kathie Byron, Experiences?
by Hoffnung ini just attended a "reducing your stress" training, sponsored by my company, and training staff used the methods of "thework", founded by kathie byron.
in order to reduce your stress, you have to inquire yourself and put everyting you believe in, in doubt.
by the end of the 2 day work shop, i have all my "cult" warning lights on.
onacruise - Craig Mills 1952-2011
by Lady Lee ini was given the link to a bit of information regarding on old poster/moderator of this forum.
i was not sure of the validity of the information so have been trying to find out if it is true.. earlier today craig's estranged wife, kate, (bikerchic) confirmed that craig died at his home on aug 10, 2011.. i am sure that many people here remember craig's time here and how he went out of his way to offer support to posters, even calling them, to give whatever help he could as they adjusted to their post-jw lives.. i know many people here will grieve his loss.. --------------.
ps i tried posting this earlier but the computer i was working with would not allow the posts.