Feeding Meat to Babies
Dear Father,
They called at our door,
Bibles in hand, proffering dreams
of a Promised Land,
where lion and lamb will lie with your children,
where no-one will die
and Spirit fulfils them; a time when angels
will dry every tear, and humankind
will no longer fear.
But when you asked how
this would come to pass,
and listened with bated breath to the answers,
they neglected to mention global disaster,
vengeful Creator, burdensome Master,
for whom you must slaughter original thought,
and be taught from the altar --
of ignorance.
I forgive you, for you know not what you do.
Your son.
JoinedPosts by Gargamel
Dodgy poetry
by Gargamel init is a stretch to call my dodgy poetry 'entertainment' but i wasn't sure where else to put it.. .
self-fulfilling prophecy.
Question for science geeks
by rebelfighter indo any of you know anything about prescription medications and their reactions?
the doctors cannot explain why but i react to everything they prescribe to the point that now all my doctors are attempting neutral remedies before medication.
tomorrow i am having surgery to drill a hole in my head to put in a titanium rod and we are doing local instead of general simply because it lessens the amount of needed drugs.
I haven't read all the other responses. Also, I have no medical qualifications.
My first though was auto-immune issues, where the immune system treats too many things as an invading infection. In extreme situations, it has been known to do this to some of the body's own organs.
I know loads about this subject because I'm a window cleaner - so take it for what it's worth.
Sun,moon, earth and mathematics .
by atomant injust thought id let you all in on some info i found on northeasttruth.com.
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
Like many posts, it overlooks that if this hadn't occurred, life, at least in its current form, wouldn't be here.
However, it wouldn't surprise me if the moon orbit and menstrual cycle interval are linked in some way. We see what the moon's gravitational pull does to water and humans are mostly -- water. Probably coincidence though.
There is science that prove God exists
by HopeEverLasting injehovahs witnesses think that just the bible is proof that god exists but they are wrong.
there is another mode for how he exists.
now we all know many scientists who are creationists now weren’t creationists until they examined the evidence for themselves.
HopeEverLasting said: Gargamel it doesn't disapprove his existence either.
Of course, but the more we discover, the balance of probabilities shrinks in proportion.
There is science that prove God exists
by HopeEverLasting injehovahs witnesses think that just the bible is proof that god exists but they are wrong.
there is another mode for how he exists.
now we all know many scientists who are creationists now weren’t creationists until they examined the evidence for themselves.
Another one of these? :)
I think that science has actually done a wonderful job of explaining how we are here.
Planets, and other bodies, exist because of the basic law of gravity i.e. mass being (weakly) attracted to mass.
The odds against things, including organisms, existing as they do are huge. This doesn't prove god's existence, rather, it's just an indicator that there were a huge number of "attempts" (I use quotes because it's difficult to imagine inorganic matter attempting anything).
Apparently, science has shown that something from nothin is possible. I won't pretend that I understand that bit. I could probably do so if it were explained individually over a sufficiently lengthy time frame.
It reminds me of the old betting scam where someone reckons they have surefire winners in an accumulator. If enough people sign up and put money on, there will probably be a winner. So it is with universes, I think.
Keep the meeting going! (even if somebody's dying)
by TimeBandit inthis is a true story.
it's about a sister named henriette venema.
she was a very loyal jw.
I'm amazed they didn't disfellowship the poor woman for being disruptive.
Ted is an arsehole.
Reinstated and then fade
by Zeds Dead ini'm a man - d'fd for 2.5 years now and divorced.
find it hard to date girls out here only due to always having this secret i carry with me that i was once a jw and the thought of telling a girl one day why my family don't acknowledge me as even alive.. recently been thinking of trying to get reinstated and then do a quick fade as i cant go back to the whole jw stuff.. easier said than done and was turned down twice by elders after an immediate attempt 2 years ago.. my motivation for trying would be 1.
) to see if family make contact and 2) play the last hand in their game and give the middle finger.. interested in viewpoints?.
One big problem with re-instatement then fade is that you are still subject to their rules - it's just a bit harder to get found out for breaking them.
Old People Ask..."I'm 88, and my girlfriend is 83, why do we need a chaperone?"
by TimeBandit inhere's the latest episode of old people ask.
this episode focuses on chaperones.
why oh why do old people need them?
So long as you can remember where you live, no chaperone needed.
New year's Eve 1975 to New Year's Day 1976.
by Gargamel indid anyone else here go a bit odd on new year's eve 1975 to new year's day 1976?.
i had been out of the org for a couple of years at the time, but not got around to debunking the beliefs.. what my mind went through around the above dates could be regarded as borderline psychotic, though the black hash probably didn't help.. i've just started tackling a first draft writing what i can remember about that period.. it probably wasn't helpful that my jw mother died a week into 1976. she had been ill quite a bit for some years, but after the date for the apocalypse passed, i do wonder if she just gave up.
prior to that she possibly believed she would never have to die, but once the big a got delayed, maybe she felt that she couldn't face years of illness and the fight went out of her.. i am finding that trying to write my history is a bigger undertaking than i first expected, but i'll do it even if it takes me years..
Did anyone else here go a bit odd on New year's Eve 1975 to New Year's Day 1976?
I had been out of the org for a couple of years at the time, but not got around to debunking the beliefs.
What my mind went through around the above dates could be regarded as borderline psychotic, though the black hash probably didn't help.
I've just started tackling a first draft writing what I can remember about that period.
It probably wasn't helpful that my JW mother died a week into 1976. She had been ill quite a bit for some years, but after the date for the apocalypse passed, I do wonder if she just gave up. Prior to that she possibly believed she would never have to die, but once the big A got delayed, maybe she felt that she couldn't face years of illness and the fight went out of her.
I am finding that trying to write my history is a bigger undertaking than I first expected, but I'll do it even if it takes me years.
When did the governing body go from 12 to 7 members?
by Tameria2001 ini have been out and away from that cult since 2001. back then there were 12 members of the governing body, and now i'm learning that number has come down to 7. when did this change take place, and what was their reason for dropping the number?.
Will be interesting when only one is left.