I think it is disgusting when some ignorant twit starts in with their baseless opinions about the tetragrammaton and how it was pronounced two thousand years ago. We are in the 21st Century. Who cares if the pronunciation changes! We speak English now, and and if you are a believer, what? Do you have to talk to God in Hebrew? Which form of Hebrew? What Abraham spoke? What Moses spoke? What was spoken in the time of David? Or how about in Daniel's time? Or the time second temple? How about Talmudic Hebrew? Modern Hebrew? What accent? Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Yemenite, Mizrahi?
This thing about the correct pronunciation some people get hung up with amounts to ignorant superstitions.
The hate against freemasons is just just as contemptible too. What reason do some idiots have to besmirch them? Nothing but plain prejudice and stupidity. Let's get real and stop it with all this nonsense.