Hi KShelton,
In many cultures around the world, young love is seen as a wonderful time, though. In the Bible we're told there's a time when a man and a woman will leave parents for each other. (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5).
The Watchtower likes to publish articles that take away personal freedoms for the sake of uniformity in order to better control its "publishers."
The Watchtower doesn't approve of teenage dating
Despite the wishes of many parents, their children are going to experiment. Most schools have classes on sex ed. but the proverbial discussion about the birds and the bees is important, it might help.
The comments from ExBethelitenowPIMA are something to keep in mind. Are the young man and woman ready to leave their parents and start a family together? If not, and it does lead to a sexual relationship, the lack of knowledge about protection might just throw them into a very life altering situation being young parents without a clue as to how to raise a child, give it up for adoption, or most likely the grandparents will raise the baby. Are you ready to raise another child?
I agree with the comments about 13 being way to young to be in a relationship in the society we live in.
(*My opinion--I was a PIMO elder, partaking of the emblems until I exited the 0rganization a few years back over the Watchtower saying Jesus was not everyone's Mediator, only for the 144000, now I just consider myself a Christian who follows Jehovah's Word and believes in Jesus Christ)