Thought this was interesting although not sure if it is fact.
Who was Amun Ra?
Ra, or better know as Amun Ra, gained popularity and fame from Dan Brown's novel 'The Lost Symbol' and 'Da Divanci Code.' Robert Langdon, in the novel 'The Lost Symbol', explained to his students at Harvard University how he prayed to Ra during full moon nights with others who believed in this mystical Egyptian King, who many advised was a being of another world. Langdon went on to explain how George Washington, too, prayed to Amun Ra. For me as an author, my introduction to Amun Ra was done by Jordan Maxwell, who explained, as to why Christians say 'Amen' at the end of each prayer. This is due to the fact The Vatican Church always wanted to pay tribute to King Ra, whose life they cloned into their own version called 'The Bible', and its Character Jesus Christ, who lived the exact same life as Ra; while Ra was born 3,000 years before Jesus.
Secret Informaiton on Amun Ra!
Amun Ra had a very similar pattern to Jesus Christ, per the book name "The Book of Dead". It is the holy book of Egyptian History.
His mother name was Meri, while his father name was Josep. The birth of Ra, was predicted because of a comet/star. When he was born, the Sheppard’s, and farmers witnessed his birth. Egyptian King Herut tried to kill him for plaguing the minds of people about the one true God. When Ra turned thirty, he decided to get baptized. The person, who baptized him, had his head cut-off. He was followed by 12 disciples, and, since he is considered the son of Sun god, the 12 disciples were the 12 zodiac signs. Amazingly, he also performed miracles, and walked on water like Christ. Ra was also crucified like Christ. He was buried in a tomb, and was resurrected in three days. He also performed, 'sermon on the mount' like Jesus. I wrote about Ra in Kyirux II.
The Lord of Truth and father of man: these were some of the terms Amun Ra was known as amongst his people in Egypt back 25-3500 years ago. Although Wikipedia has the dates for Amun Ra's historical indexing, they however are not accomidated by great researchers. Amun Ra's true date of existence is only an educated guess, even in the book of dead. The only way they have determined the date for Amun Ra's existance as the Egyptian King, is the hydrophilic found in the 'City of Kings'.