Went away for Easter to my Aunt and Uncle out of state. Ate ham, lots of ham. Then they gave us more ham to take with us.
I wanted to do the Chubby Bunny challenge with the wife but she's too afraid we will choke. 😕
we eat turkey on thanksgiving why not rabbits on easter???
what's your traditional meal.
for easter??
Went away for Easter to my Aunt and Uncle out of state. Ate ham, lots of ham. Then they gave us more ham to take with us.
I wanted to do the Chubby Bunny challenge with the wife but she's too afraid we will choke. 😕
my spies seem a bit confused.
here, in this neck of the woods 3 congregations had 3 separate sittings.
the attendance seemed to be swelling.
They love their numbers Punk so of course they will publish the numbers. Then they will need to come up with an explanation as to why things are the way they are.
But even if they didn't publish the numbers, the still-in zombies won't question a thing.
i do not know if this misquote has been discussed here already.. new catholic encyclopedia says this about jw:.
"judge" rutherford introduced important changes in the witnesses' creed and transformed the congregational structure of the sect as it was under "pastor" russell into a rigid theocracy.
the third leader, "brother" nathan h. knorr, gradually replaced the offensive convert-making tactics of the rutherford era by suave manners that have gained the witnesses their current reputation as one of the best-behaved groups in the world.
The Org claims to have ownership over "truth" yet they are the biggest liars.
I find it funny that one of the recent magazines on their web site had a cover article about Honesty.😷 I mean really? Every time it seems they quote a source they are wrong in some way especially if it favors the witnesses.
my spies seem a bit confused.
here, in this neck of the woods 3 congregations had 3 separate sittings.
the attendance seemed to be swelling.
Our attendance was down about 75 from last year. There were new people that have been roped in this past year but a lot of folks have been dropping out. This new meeting schedule has been terror on the bros as well as attendance, myself included.
Funny as the ding a ling from Bethel that gave the talk said that " Perhaps this year we will see 20 million attend the Memorial worldwide." 😂😂😂😂
i haven't posted here in a few months and to be honest i haven't been lurking either.
i hope everyone is doing well.😊 i wanted to take a minute to let you know how things have been the last few months.. recently the brothers decided to finally consider my letter of resignation.
they met with me alone and i let them know why i have become inactive as a publisher and why i no longer wish to serve as an elder in the congregation.
I appreciate all the kind thoughts.
The organization would like us to forget those that we lose and just move on. Like brandnew said, they try to dictate our grief. Everyone is different and I personally think it's unhealthy to hide those feelings. That's why I love the grief support meetings. People of all backgrounds who come together to support each other. Many will tell us our babies are in heaven but I just don't find that comforting, but I also don't see a problem believing that if it helps a person to heal. That's a personal matter.
Mrquik, you mentioned prayer. I haven't gotten to that yet on a personal level because I don't know what to say. Honestly I don't know how to pray to God at this point considering the witnesses do it all wrong. Using the name "Jehovah" isn't proper according to my current understanding. But I really have no interest at this time trying to build a relationship with someone who I am unsure exists.
Daniel, sorry for your loss. I think it's hard for people to really understand pregnancy loss and stillbirth unless you experience it. People look at the wife and I like there is something mentally wrong with us. They often ask why we haven't gotten over it yet. 😕 I don't think it is something you just "get over."
i haven't posted here in a few months and to be honest i haven't been lurking either.
i hope everyone is doing well.😊 i wanted to take a minute to let you know how things have been the last few months.. recently the brothers decided to finally consider my letter of resignation.
they met with me alone and i let them know why i have become inactive as a publisher and why i no longer wish to serve as an elder in the congregation.
I see what your saying Rebel. I suppose the terminology I used is the cult speak that has been ingrained in me for the past 20 years. If they really cared they would have let me go when I originally wrote the letter since there was more than enough reason to. They wanted to wait for the next c.o. visit which was months away to see how things would work out.
This organization makes you feel as though you do not have ownership over your own soul.
i haven't posted here in a few months and to be honest i haven't been lurking either.
i hope everyone is doing well.😊 i wanted to take a minute to let you know how things have been the last few months.. recently the brothers decided to finally consider my letter of resignation.
they met with me alone and i let them know why i have become inactive as a publisher and why i no longer wish to serve as an elder in the congregation.
I haven't posted here in a few months and to be honest I haven't been lurking either. I hope everyone is doing well.😊 I wanted to take a minute to let you know how things have been the last few months.
Recently the brothers decided to FINALLY consider my letter of resignation. They met with me alone and I let them know why I have become inactive as a publisher and why I no longer wish to serve as an elder in the congregation. Overall the conversation with the body went well. I told them that I no longer trust God because of the loss of our children. I also told them that due to depression especially as the anniversary of the loss of our daughter Rose approaches, my depression has only gotten worse. They were actually ok with the wife and I going to grief support meetings which was kinda surprising. They still want me to serve but I told them I cannot and they accepted that. They also offered us a bible study which is a joke since I have no faith in God. My wife doesn't want a study either considering what she knows about the organization.
So things are progressing as good as they can at this point. We still attend some meetings but we are slowly fading away from them. Hopefully soon we can wash our hands of this filthy organization once and for all.
As for the depression, not sure how to deal with that. We talk openly about it but just getting up in the morning is a chore. I hate work, We plan to go away on vacation to commemorate our daughter as well as our sons loss. Hopefully we can find some healing in time?? Not really sure that'll ever happen.
i got baptized later in life.
i was around 21, i had left and went out into the world should of listen to my gut back then, but instead i disowned myself and came back into the fold.
before i could get baptized, the elder who studied with me said i needed to get rid of everything that was contaminated by this world: music, books & clothing,everything.
I moved in with my sister who was a Jw and she threw most of my stuff in the chicken coup outside which proceeded to ruin it all! Metallica, Megadeth, Judas Priest, And other music tapes I had. Also a good collection of Ghost Rider comics and some other video games and stuff. Worth some money.
Didnt miss any of it after becoming a Jw and went on to throw even more stuff away I thought was questionable including an entire box of old Nintendo games.
Pretty friggin stupid looking back. As if the demons are gonna get cha like some kind of boogieman if you own stuff.
i've seen this twice now within a month.
a car group hanging out at a gas station.
one of the cult members jumps outs of their car and runs up to a "worldly" gas pumper, arm stretched out, tract in hand, and here comes the juvenile at best question.
Like Toesup said. It's all about time. The pioneers at my hall not only hit the gas stations, but they also hit people in apartment complexes.
One sister loves it when it snows. I didn't get it until one morning last year we were out and she accosted those who were scraping their cars off from all the snow that was on them. This tactic was pretty stupid because it was butt-assed cold out and they were upset they had to scrape their cars.
i am on a pension, so i could not afford to pay for a psychologist, but my good doctor referred me to a free clinic for people on a low income, for my anxiety and depression, so i have finally got my first appointment with a psychologist since i started my fade, so where do i start trying to explain the mental trauma i feel as a fading jw?
i would appreciate your advice.
simple .
Not sure if you have the ability to do it but perhaps along with your meets with a psychologist, maybe do a search for group support were you can meet with people who have been in similar situations. It's a nice forum to just let it all out and get advise from others.
The wife and I do this and it's been helpful.😀