JoinedPosts by cappytan
Anti-JW billboard going up in Texas
by sunny23 inthe first ever billboard has been crowd funded on reddit and will be going up.
i'm curious to know if it will cause a spark in any jw's who already have questions or doubts and lead them to research into the child abuse cases and lead them to the thought that the wt and gb are not inspired or gods mouthpiece.
at the very least it will provide people a topic of conversation and questions to the jw's who knock on their door: "so whats this whole sex abuse in kingdom halls thing about i saw on the billboard down the road?
Ummmmmm...that URL goes to a Chinese website. -
Coping With Atheism (Long-ish Post...sorry!)
by humblepotato inlong time lurker (2009-ish), first time poster.
first of all, i want to say thank you everyone who contributes to these boards and provokes stimulating conversations and thought processes.
all the opinions and different perspectives are very enlightening.
I WANT, so badly, to believe in a God... and I keep looking for shreds of evidence that he exists (or if he does exist...that he cares about us). No, I can't tell you where the universe came from...but neither can you tell me where God came from!
I know EXACTLY this feeling. I call it the Mulder effect.
How did you cope knowing that there was no eternal reward? No afterlife? How do you view your life now? Do you live your life differently?
Honestly, man, when I was waking up, I was having very scary suicidal thoughts. Wanted a quick trip to paradise. Convinced myself that Jehovah would forgive me because he's a reader of hearts and he knows what I'm going through.
Once I let go of the belief in God, I started to feel much more centered and treasured the little time I had left on this planet. It's hard to let go of. For a few weeks I had nagging doubts that I was being stupid.
But eventually a calm and peace set in.
I realized that I couldn't definitively know if there was a God or not. I did know that there was no evidence of God. So, you have to be okay with saying, "I don't know." We're trained as Witnesses that there are answers for every question, when that just isn't true.
I also realized that in the extreme remote and unlikely chance that there is some kind of God, what better motive for being a moral person and treating my neighbors and earth with love and care could there be than doing so because it's what you WANT to do? Surely, being a moral person because it's what you WANT to do is a far better motive than doing it for some reward or out of "fear of God."
Convention Cartoon
by freemindfade inso last night they played the convention cartoon.
there were a few laughs from the audience, overall though people seemed a little taken aback and tight lipped.
like no one gushed about it afterwards, no applause, just like it was nothing new at all.
There sure was a lot of mentions of "showing appreciation" though. That has been used in the past as JW speak for "donate." -
How To Revoke Durable Power of Attorney "Blood Card"
by lambsbottom inhello all,.
wife doesn't want to ask elders for her dpa blood card, but wants it nullified legally.
what is the best way to do this?.
A more recent version of a DPA trumps all previous ones. Just draw up a new one and specify the reversal on the blood issue. Getting it notarized will also make it hold legal superiority than the stupid DPA that they made us keep in our wallets.
Convention Cartoon
by freemindfade inso last night they played the convention cartoon.
there were a few laughs from the audience, overall though people seemed a little taken aback and tight lipped.
like no one gushed about it afterwards, no applause, just like it was nothing new at all.
Can we all collaborate and write an alternate parody script for this?
I have the technology to do a quality recording and sync it up with the video.
Convention Cartoon
by freemindfade inso last night they played the convention cartoon.
there were a few laughs from the audience, overall though people seemed a little taken aback and tight lipped.
like no one gushed about it afterwards, no applause, just like it was nothing new at all.
For those of you who missed it when Atlantis posted it:
"Christians are leaving the faith in droves" - Pew Research
by EdenOne inaccording to this article, a recent pew research concluded that until 2050, an estimated cumulative net number of 65.050.000 will opt out of the christian faith, and the trend is accelerating.
on the other hand, the "unaffiliated" will have a net growth of 61.490.000.. eden.
It's a good thing the end will come before then. /s -
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
Why are figures and statistics never quoted? That a whole whopping 130ish black people died at hands of police last year and around 180+ more white people? But thousands of thug on thug deaths.
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you're going to have more of a certain race arrested if that certain race is more likely to be taking part in illegal activity. -
The elders came to talk about my facebook comment
by cookiemaster inso, not long ago i've told you guys how one of my only two jw friends saw my comment against the borg and called me about it.
well, the little fraker also called the elders to tell on me.
i know i've been a huge idiot for posting a comment about jw's on facebook, but nonetheless i did it and what's happened, happened.. two idiot elders came all the way from the nearest congo, 30 miles away to talk to me about it.
Back in 2007 the elders I knew after I exited the cult in 2003- drove 80 miles - from over an hour and a half away to come interrogate me...
What happens in the situation that you look through your peephole when the knock, and just completely ignore them? Do they keep coming back? How many more times will they come back if you keep ignoring their knocks?
I understand if it's a judicial committee you can't ignore them unless you want to be DF, but if it's just a couple of elders, why do people even open their doors to them if they're faded?