JoinedPosts by cappytan
The Case for Theism
by FusionTheism in"theism" here means "belief in a god" or "the worldview that an intelligent designer created the universe and life.
" ("god" here means a being with a mind who initiated and/or wound-up the universe, and designed life on earth)the most common claim that i see atheists making on twitter, is that "no evidence" exists in support of belief in a god.this post will remove any excuse atheists have for claiming "no evidence exists" in support of an initiator.
atheists can still reject this evidence as "weak," but they cannot truthfully say it does not, it is true that we do not have "observable, repeatable, falsifiable, empirical, scientific" evidence conclusively proving that an initiator exists, but we do have many lines of philisophical, experiential, and logical evidence.and... here... we... go:1:) many leading scientists, including stephen hawking, say that the space-time-matter universe had a beginning at the singularity/big bang.
None of y'all can prove that the Chupacabra isn't real, so therefore, my belief in the Chupacabra has merit and should not be dismissed. -
Bible Chronology, Egyptology and the Great Flood
by cappytan infact: bible chronology says the flood occurred between 2348 and 2370 bce, depending on which scholar you listen to.
fact: the great pyramid of giza was constructed 200 years before, in c. 2560 bce..
so, if you believe in a literal interpretation of noah's flood, you believe that the egyptians built a great civilization, were destroyed by the flood in 2370 bce, and then somehow, they reappeared immediately after the flood, picked right back up where they left off without skipping a cultural beat.. oh, and isn't it ironic that legitimately studying the great pyramid of giza debunks jw mythology now?
JW response would be "obviously the method used to date the great pyramid is flawed"
Here's the thing: Biblical chronology requires the Great Pyramid to be built after the flood as Egypt figures into Biblical events. The only problem JW's and other proponents of a literal interpretation of the Biblical flood account have with radiocarbon dating techniques is when it is on dates BEFORE the flood.
Insight Book: With the Deluge great changes came, for example, the life span of humans dropped very rapidly. Some have suggested that prior to the Flood the waters above the expanse shielded out some of the harmful radiation and that, with the waters gone, cosmic radiation genetically harmful to man increased. However, the Bible is silent on the matter. Incidentally, any change in radiation would have altered the rate of formation of radioactive carbon-14 to such an extent as to invalidate all radiocarbon dates prior to the Flood.
So, if the Pyramids supposedly came after the flood, the radiocarbon dates wouldn't be inaccurate based on the pseudoscience bullsh!t above. However, they date prior to the flood.
If you want to turn your brain to mush, get a load of this crap about problems with Egyptian chronology: (I would appreciate anyone's input on debunking the assertions put forth below.)
Problems of Egyptian chronology. Uncertainties are multiple. The works of Manetho, used to give order to the fragmentary lists and other inscriptions, are preserved only in the writings of later historians, such as Josephus (first century C.E.), Sextus Julius Africanus (third century C.E., hence over 500 years from Manetho’s time), Eusebius (fourth century C.E.), and Syncellus (late eighth or early ninth century C.E.). As stated by W. G. Waddell, their quotations of Manetho’s writings are fragmentary and often distorted and hence “it is extremely difficult to reach certainty in regard to what is authentic Manetho and what is spurious or corrupt.” After showing that Manetho’s source material included some unhistorical traditions and legends that “introduced kings as their heroes, without regard to chronological order,” he says: “There were many errors in Manetho’s work from the very beginning: all are not due to the perversions of scribes and revisers. Many of the lengths of reigns have been found impossible: in some cases the names and the sequence of kings as given by Manetho have proved untenable in the light of monumental evidence.”—Manetho, introduction, pp. vii, xvii, xx, xxi, xxv.
The probability that concurrent reigns rather than successive reigns are responsible for many of Manetho’s excessively long periods is shown in the book Studies in Egyptian Chronology, by T. Nicklin (Blackburn, Eng., 1928, p. 39): “The Manethonian Dynasties . . . are not lists of rulers over all Egypt, but lists partly of more or less independent princes, partly . . . of princely lines from which later sprang rulers over all Egypt.” Professor Waddell (pp. 1-9) observes that “perhaps several Egyptian kings ruled at one and the same time; . . . thus it was not a succession of kings occupying the throne one after the other, but several kings reigning at the same time in different regions. Hence arose the great total number of years.”
Since the Bible points to the year 2370 B.C.E. as the date of the global Flood, Egyptian history must have begun after that date. The problems in Egyptian chronology shown above are doubtless responsible for the figures advanced by modern historians who would run Egyptian history all the way back to the year 3000 B.C.E.
Greater confidence is placed by Egyptologists in the ancient inscriptions themselves. Yet, the carefulness, truthfulness, and moral integrity of the Egyptian scribes are by no means above suspicion. As Professor J. A. Wilson states: “A warning should be issued about the precise historical value of Egyptian inscriptions. That was a world of . . . divine myths and miracles.” Then after suggesting that the scribes were not above juggling the chronology of events to add praise to the particular monarch in power, he says: “The historian will accept his data at face value, unless there is a clear reason for distrust; but he must be ready to modify his acceptance as soon as new materials put the previous interpretation in a new light.”—The World History of the Jewish People, 1964, Vol. 1, pp. 280, 281.
Absence of information concerning Israel. This is not surprising, since the Egyptians not only refused to record matters uncomplimentary to themselves but also were not above effacing records of a previous monarch if the information in such records proved distasteful to the then reigning pharaoh. Thus, after the death of Queen Hatshepsut, Thutmose III had her name and representations chiseled out of the monumental reliefs. This practice doubtless explains why there is no known Egyptian record of the 215 years of Israelite residence in Egypt or of their Exodus.
The pharaoh ruling at the time of the Exodus is not named in the Bible; hence, efforts to identify him are based on conjecture. This partly explains why modern historians’ calculations of the date of the Exodus vary from 1441 to 1225 B.C.E., a difference of over 200 years. -
Who Is Your Favorite Late Show Talk Host Of All Time?
by minimus injohnny carson is still the king.
i thought jay leno was very funny.
letterman did nothing for me.
I always liked Carson and Letterman. Never NEVER liked Leno. Leno was funny back in the day, but The Tonight Show with Jay Leno was never really that funny.
Letterman was the King after Carson retired, in my opinion.
Just take a look at the following clip - Leno or Fallon would NEVER do that...but Dave did, and I died laughing when it happened.
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
Little Man syndrome is what I saw.
Here's a guy that if he acts like that in any other capacity gets a punch to the face.
But he carries a gun and is a cop, so you're not allowed to take him down a peg or two.
Only thing that brought this cop into submission was that it was caught on film.
Bible Chronology, Egyptology and the Great Flood
by cappytan infact: bible chronology says the flood occurred between 2348 and 2370 bce, depending on which scholar you listen to.
fact: the great pyramid of giza was constructed 200 years before, in c. 2560 bce..
so, if you believe in a literal interpretation of noah's flood, you believe that the egyptians built a great civilization, were destroyed by the flood in 2370 bce, and then somehow, they reappeared immediately after the flood, picked right back up where they left off without skipping a cultural beat.. oh, and isn't it ironic that legitimately studying the great pyramid of giza debunks jw mythology now?
Fact: Bible chronology says the flood occurred between 2348 and 2370 BCE, depending on which scholar you listen to.
Fact: the Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed 200 years before, in c. 2560 BCE.
So, if you believe in a literal interpretation of Noah's Flood, you believe that the Egyptians built a great civilization, were destroyed by the flood in 2370 BCE, and then somehow, they reappeared immediately after the flood, picked right back up where they left off without skipping a cultural beat.
Oh, and isn't it ironic that legitimately studying the Great Pyramid of Giza debunks JW mythology now? We've come full circle! A "Great Witness" indeed!
Cart Witnessing - Thrilling! Productive! Epic!, well, not so much.....
by sir82 intalked with a pioneer recently, she was recounting her first experience with cart witnessing.. she brought the subject up, was going on & on & on & on about how wonderful the experience was, and how great, and how she enjoyed it so much, and it was so wonderful, and oh jehovah's blessing, and on and on and on...... a few questions to her revealed what really happened:.
-- a jw who owns a small restaurant in a strip mall allows jws to set up their cart outside his restaurant.
-- the restaurant is tucked pretty far out of the way, not prominent at all.
The crazy thing about cart witnessing is you have to get specially trained to do it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember something about that.
Interview with a member of the JW writing department
by truthseeker inthis is so funny.
Lol! Is Apostate Rookie of the year a thing?
Asking for a friend :P
What happened to the page summaries in NWT?
by jws ini was recently discussing the real 10 commandments in ex 34. as i recall the old nwt had topic summaries at the top of each page.
theoretically to summarize the page and help you find things.
i've seen other bibles do this too.
They're not missing. They moved them. They're at the beginning of each book.
For instance, if you're looking for the 10 commandments, turn to the first page for the book of Exodus, and you'll see a basic outline for all of exodus
I prayed to Odin and asked him to break Lebron's kneecaps. Odin misfired. -
I'm okay with the "fruitage of the spirit."
by cappytan inthough i now consider myself a secular buddhist, i just realized today that i'm okay with trying to pursue the qualities mentioned by paul as the "fruitage of the spirit.".
the only one i take issue with is "faith" in the context of religion.
what are your thoughts on the matter?.
Though I now consider myself a Secular Buddhist, I just realized today that I'm okay with trying to pursue the qualities mentioned by Paul as the "fruitage of the spirit."
The only one I take issue with is "faith" in the context of religion.
What are your thoughts on the matter?