Can I buy meat at the grocery store? Yes.
Do I hunt for the joy of the hunt? Yes.
Do I eat anything I hunt? Yes.
Is it necessary for me to hunt in order to survive? No.
Why do I hunt? Because I would rather get my meat from a free ranging animal than a factory farmed one any day of the week. I also prefer to get my meat from an animal that is an invasive species in my country. For example, Wild Hog. Wild Hog destroy native habitat in the United States, and are a nuisance. Humans are the only effective predator for the Wild Hog. There aren't enough wolves and mountain lions for hogs to make a dent in their population.
Do I also hunt other native species? Yes, in particular deer. However, as other legitimate hunters, I use restraint and practice selective harvest. If you don't know the conservation reasons behind selective harvest, I suggest you research it.
If you don't agree with hunting because it's "cruel," I suggest you go 100% vegan and never buy anything with leather or wool.
If you are 100% vegan, STFU. You're worse than JW's when it comes to pushing your beliefs on others.